Lemon-Grass Tea

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(AN: Not proofread).

Hazy sunshine bathed Jimin in its golden rays and the angel stretched out with a deep inhale and exhale. He could just feel it in the air that today would be great! It obviously didn't have anything to do with last night. He just felt happy. 

"Good morning my Prince" he heard Jungkook's voice so he glanced towards the source and saw said man leaning against the door frame, hands crossed over his chest. From the looks of it, his husband had an early morning as he was in his full fledged uniform. 

"Good morning Commander" Jimin replied with a teasing tone, turning his burrito-style wrapped self to face towards Jungkook. 

"Now would you mind getting out of bed soon? Preferably today" Jungkook neared their bed and Jimin stretched once again.

"No" he answered with a genuine laugh, which in turn made Jungkook smile at him in a way that makes him feel an entire zoo packed into his stomach doing Bhangra. 

"Too bad you will have to get ready and come down quickly" Jungkook's voice softened as he sat next to Jimin on the bed. 

"Why? What happened?" Jimin frowned at him. 

Looking at the misplaced frown on his flawless husband's face, Jungkook leaned down and pecked his lips. 

"It's a surprise" he whispered against his lips and left giving him a mischievous smile. 

"Fine then" Jimin cheered and got out of bed to ready himself for this particular surprise. 

Whilst getting dressed, Jimin groaned at the two dark hickies contrasting against his alabaster skin. 'He just had to, didn't he?' he sighed to himself. He would have to hide these now. 

Or shouldn't he? 

With contemplation, Jimin decided against it. It shouldn't come as a surprise that the married couple had sex. In fact, he should wear it with pride. Smiling at his reflection, he twisted his neck to look at them when he was finally dressed fully. 

"Let's get this surprise!" he cheered to himself. 

As he reached downstairs, he saw the front hall to be void of Jungkook's presence, or his surprise. 

"Jungkook?" He called out. 

No answer. 

Frowning, Jimin's feet naturally took him towards the dining hall as per routine. As he neared, he could feel the buzz of various noises. 

Stepping into the entrance, his jaw dropped. 

"Happy Birthday Taemin!" everyone chorused. 

Jimin found himself to be struck motionless, looking towards his 'family.' Strangest part was that Taemin was actually here too. Why? He had no idea. 

Suddenly, he could see Taehyung walking towards him and felt the princes' embrace around him. 

"Congratulations on losing your virginity" Taehyung whispered in his ear as he hugged him warmly. 

"What?!" Jimin moved back to look at him in shock. 

"Your hickies are so prominent," Taehyung hugged him back to keep the façade of brothers meeting, "must have been last night huh?" he continued with a wink and Jimin looked down with embarrassment. 

"Yes" he whispered his answer. 

"Tell me more later on" he said and guided Jimin towards the rest of the family. 

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