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All before the commander could open the door to the adjoining room, a resounding knock sounded at his own front door. Frowning, he walked towards it and opened it to find a small, gasping woman. She looked like she ran a marathon.

Jungkook simply narrowed his eyes in question.

"We have discovered who the mole is. I wanted to give you a heads-up before we go report it to the supreme leader" she informed.

"Why tell me?" Jungkook was totally confused as to why was he being informed about it. What connection could he have to that mole? Why can't they simply get rid of them?

"Because it is your second in command officer, Min Yoongi. By dawn, he will be executed" she stated matter of factly.

"What‽" Jungkook exclaimed, "Are you leaving right now?" He questioned when the woman bowed and was leaving already, she simply nodded and ran off.

"There's no way Yoongi is involved" Jungkook thought before he walked towards his bedside drawer and pulled out two guns which he tucked away into his pants. He then stormed downstairs, towards Yoongi's room. He kicked it open to find it empty of the presence of his intense friend.

Frowning, he walked into the foyer and caught a glimpse of the Han siblings leaving in their Jeep.

"Fuck" he muttered, angered and irritated by the course things had taken.

He pulled a gun out and ran outside, to find another Jeep approaching towards him. Thankfully, the man that got down was none other than Yoongi himself.

"What's wrong?" Yoongi questioned with a frown, utterly bewildered to find his friend/commander standing outside with a gun clutched in one of his hands.

"Get in" he simply ordered as he himself walked towards Yoongi's parked jeep.

"Will you care to explain what's going on?" Yoongi asked with rising irritation as Jungkook bounded off at high speed.

"The Han siblings think you're the mole and are on their way to report you. By dawn you'll be killed" Jungkook muttered, he then glanced towards Yoongi's face, "are you?" he questioned.

Yoongi gasped, highly offended by the accusation.

"What the fuck‽" He sounded as angry as Jungkook felt.

"We have to stop them" Jungkook said, already making out that the siblings had misinterpreted the situation. Then he realised he still doesn't know why they thought so, so he once again glanced at his friend.

"Any idea why they doubted you?"

For a few moments, Yoongi seemed lost in thought before his eyes bulged in realisation.

"It was them! I thought it was just animals!" He exclaimed as he punched the jeep.

Jungkook gave him a 'really' look, letting him know to simply get to the damn point.

"They saw me…" at his words, Jungkook frowned further, "...fucking Taehyung, the Kim royal" Yoongi finished and Jungkook hit the breaks in shock.

"You're fucking him‽" He screamed incredulously.

"Why not? Have you seen him?" Yoongi said in disbelief.

"Yeah but you're both from different-" before Jungkook could finish his sentence he realised he's literally married to the man of that same country so there's no point in throwing stones at others when your house is made of glass.

He then simply sighed before starting the jeep to continue their chase. A few kilometres down the road, they noticed an oncoming jeep whizz past them.

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