'Til Death

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WARNING: My writing abilities have gone to shit so this might not make as much sense, especially action scenes (if you can call them that).


★ Early hours of the night:

Jungkook heaved in a sharp breath as he sat upright in bed. His dreams weren't kind to him. Stabilising his breath, he looked around, confusion replacing the calm he momentarily achieved.

Jimin wasn't next to him in the bed nor in the immediate vicinity of his eyesight. He pulled off the thick blanket covering him and placed his bare feet on the carpet, readying himself to go search for his husband.

A paper on the nightstand caught his attention and he grabbed it, hoping to read anything but confirmation of his nightmares. He sighed instead when he read the elegant scrawl of Jimin's writing; a little note.

He folded it and kept it inside the drawer and stood up. Time to get ready, he thought.

★ An hour later:

Dressed sharply in a flawless uniform, Jungkook walked down into the lower basement cells. Just as promised, he saw Jimin inside a cell, along with Taehyung.

Of course he would pick a cell with him. He did need some comfort.

Although, he didn't feel bad about Taemin being alone in a cell two doors down to theirs. The young prince had to learn.

"Did you eat?" Jungkook asked when he neared the bars of the cell. Jimin gave him a smile and nodded.

"We all ate," he cocked his head towards Taemin.

Jungkook simply nodded his head, not sure about extending any pleasantries towards his second 'husband.'

"Can he-"

"No." Jungkook was quick to interrupt Jimin mid-sentence.

"You don't even know what I wanted to ask," Jimin gave him a look of disbelief.

"He cannot stay in your cell, Taehyung is company enough." His words established their finality to Jimin, which made him pout.

Meanwhile, Jungkook's eyes took in Jimin's clothing, which made him smile briefly. His husband was draped in the colours of Kookmin Land. It was a subtle display of his loyalty now laying with Jungkook and his land. Quickly, he pulled Jimin by the front of his shirt and planted his lips against Jimin's pouting ones.

Two sniffles from opposing directions made them break apart. Jungkook looked towards Taehyung while Jimin looked towards Taemin. Both of them witnessed day and night respectively. Jungkook remained unamused but Jimin felt sad.

Before either of the four could speak, footsteps bounded down the stairs and Yoongi entered the room. He too was dressed as sharply as Jungkook.

"Commander," he cocked his head backwards, beckoning him over.

Jungkook gave a nod and looked back at Jimin, whose expression had turned melancholic.

He walked away from their cell and towards Taemin's. The youngest prince still had some tears in his eyes, which he roughly wiped away. Regarding him with stern eyes, Jungkook reached within his overcoat and pulled out a rolled paper, which he handed over to the prince through the bars.

Teamin hoped for a letter, which made him hastily open the string keeping it enclosed. Unrolling it, he read and more tears flooded his vision. He looked up, betrayal painted thick on his heart-breakingly beautiful face.

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