Fuck It!

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Author's POV:

Jimin awoke to a distant beeping noise. He groaned and blinked away the sleep from his gorgeous eyes and concentrated on the source of the noise, finding it coming from his husband's room. He flipped the bedside lamp on and glanced towards the clock underneath and frowned at the time.

“Why's he up at 4 AM?” He whispered to himself.

Then his groggy mind finally started functioning and reminded him that he has to get up in two hours. He groaned and went back to sleep.

Hours later Jimin woke up to his own alarm ringing and got up to get ready for the day. He then exited his room with his supplies; books, pencils and filed papers. However he found Jungkook's room empty— no surprise there. Jimin sighed entering and sat on the bed. He looked around scrutinizingly since he has to start living here with him. He noticed how everything was neatly placed. He concluded: either his husband's a perfectionist or the maids work really, really hard.

His scrutiny was abrupted by the front door opening. Jimin didn't ever expect in a million, billion years for Jungkook to show up all hot, sweaty, breathless and looking like he just worked out; nor did Jungkook expect his alluring husband to be seated on his bed. Both gasped softly at each other's startling presence. Jungkook, however, decided that his blushing husband looked even better than the softly glowing rising sun he just marveled at before coming to his room.  

“Taemin...” he whispered questioningly.

This time he caught Jimin wincing, but he wondered at what exactly.

“Is something wrong? You winced when I addressed you by your name” he questioned. He absolutely had to investigate, it was his nature to do so.

“Nothing's wrong, it's just that no one really uses my name. Everyone calls me Minnie” Jimin quickly blurted out whatever came to his mind. It was half a lie since it was only Taehyung and his younger brother who called him ‘Minnie’.

“I see” Jungkook cocked an eyebrow, amused at the apt nickname his husband had.

“You can wait in my office till I get ready” Jungkook informed walking towards the office door, retrieved his keys from his pocket and unlocked the door.

Jimin gave a nod of his head and entered clutching his supplies close to his chest.

'Finally!'He thought.

He heaved a relaxing breath when the door closed softly after him. He waited till he could hear his husband's retreating steps. After confirming that Jungkook had entered his bathroom— indicated by the sound of a door closing, Jimin placed his supplies on the neat mahogany desk with shaky hands.

'You can do this!' He urged himself on.

He walked towards the grand swivel chair and glanced at the numerous files placed neatly on the desk. Each stack seemed to be grouped categorically. He skimmed through labels; uninterested in finances, infrastructure, ammunition, etc. His eyes eager to glance upon the sought after topic; strategy.

Sadly he didn't find anything related to that. Sighing, he moved his attention to the drawers of the table. Luckily those were open and Jimin found them containing stationary supply. Jimin crouched down to reach the last drawer, which contained rolls of maps. Squealing out of excitement he reached his chubby hand to pull them out, only to be startled by the sound of a door slamming. Whether it was slammed open or shut, Jimin was afraid to find out. Hesitantly, he peeked his head up and glanced at the office door from behind the huge table. Luck seemed to be on his side since the office door was still closed.

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