Heart Wants What It Wants

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Author's POV:

Taehyung pushed open the door to the throne room, immediately catching the attention of everyone present inside.

“Jimin!” Namjoon’s face lit up as he descended the throne upon noticing another boy walking behind his son.

Jimin gave a small smile and bowed in respect. Namjoon patted his back and laughed.

“No need for that anymore child, you have done a great favour for us all” Namjoon smiled genuinely at the servant boy whilst Taehyung watched on, happy to see his bestfriend finally gain some well deserved respect.

“It is my duty” Jimin smiled back genuinely. Initially he hated the King for this blasted plan but now he understood that if he didn't make that plan, their kingdom would look different than the current state it's in. Jimin definitely didn't want it to turn into Kookmin 2.0 so his resolve only strengthened.

Suddenly Namjoon was shoved aside and Jimin's eyes met King Seokjin's worried one. Jimin frowned when he touched his cheeks and scanned his whole body.

“What's the problem papa?” Taehyung came near, checking Jimin like his papa with a questioning expression.

“What's wrong Jinnie?” Namjoon joined in too, all of them scanning Jimin.

“He's okay! I thought they'd harm him” Jin exclaimed with a relieving sigh.

Jimin giggled at their worry, immediately met with their incredulous eyes so he bowed a little.

“Sorry, it is something new for me to have the royal family worry over me” Jimin explained himself.

“My son could have been in your place, I would have worried about him just the same. Besides I never agreed to this kamikaze plan” Jin glared at Namjoon at the end.

“I understand” Jimin nodded, “ but rest assured, they're not as bad as we think them to be. Some are genuinely nice people” Jimin wanted to pitch in his husband's name too but thought better of it when he remembered this morning's fiasco.

“That's good to hear” both Jin and Taehyung commented.

“Let's go discuss our further actions” Namjoon gestured towards the door leading to his office.

“Sure your Majesty” Jimin nodded.

“Take care of yourself child” Jin patted Jimin's hair with a worried smile. Jimin smiled back, knowing that's the closest thing he's had to parental love.

“Thank you your Majesty” Jimin bowed a little and Jin ruffled his hair and walked away to attend to his duties.

Taehyung and Jimin then followed Namjoon’s footsteps, headed to the royal office.

“What progress have you done so far?” Namjoon asked as he placed his chin on his fisted hand as he glanced at Taehyung and Jimin sitting in front of him. In between them stood his huge mahogany desk. He himself sat at his huge ornate chair.

“A lot. I didn't expect to be made public relations officer” Jimin stated the most important thing first.

“I didn't think they'd trust you enough” Namjoon's eyes widened.

“I thought so too, but apparently that decision was made by the Commander” Jimin said.

“Your husband?” Namjoon asked, surprised by the trust that young man showed despite his rumoured personality.

Jimin could only nod.

“Wow, he trusts you” Taehyung chimed in and Namjoon nodded at the advantageous discovery.

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