May You Always Remember This

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Jimin woke up disoriented and with a massive headache. 

'I definitely went overboard' he thought. 

Suddenly, last night's occurrences ran through his head and he checked under the sheets. He was stark naked, and his head told him that he lost his virginity. 

'...but my asshole feels fine…' he wondered. 

He then sat up, surprised to notice no body pain or signs of a night of frolicking. He looked around to see everything right in its place. Only then, he noticed that his husband was missing from the bed. If nothing else, he was sure that Jungkook was sleeping next to him last night. 

'Time to find him' Jimin decided, getting up from the bed, sheets still clutched in his hands to cover his tempting body. 

An hour later, Jimin reached down into the dining hall, having taken the time to bathe and get himself ready for the day. Sadly, it didn't look like Jungkook was going to join him from the lack of cutlery on the dining table. 

"Has the Commander eaten his breakfast?" Jimin looked away from the plate set in front of him and questioned the maid. 

"Yes sir, the Commander had his breakfast at 6 AM today," the man said and Jimin dismissed him after that. 

Eating alone, Jimin tried to recall if he had misbehaved in any manner, anything that could have possibly pissed off the Commander. 

'Is he angry at me for stealing his meat?!' Jimin almost slammed his fork and knife down in his 'realisation.' 

'No, he is generous, that's not it' he thought a second later and picked his cutlery back up and continued to eat. 

The rest of the day passed without a glimpse of the Commander and Jimin felt restless as the hours passed. Jungkook didn't even turn up for dinner. Having been worried, Jimin had even asked Yoongi about Jungkook and all the second in command told him was that Jungkook had gone on some secret quest, unknown even to him. 

The lack of gunshots and fireworks assured Jimin that there wasn't an on-going war that Jungkook might be involved in at the moment. Furthermore, if so was the case beyond the immediate borders, he's sure Yoongi would accompany the Commander. So luckily, the only thing he was happy to know about was that Jungkook was safe but just missing in action. 

Disappointment weighing his heart down, Jimin climbed into bed, ready to sleep as it was about to be midnight and he didn't want to miss out on sleep because someone decided to go ghost on him. That someone happened to be a dumb, annoying devil in Jimin's opinion. 

"Pabo…" he whispered as he turned on his side, covered in silk blankets. Moments later, he immersed himself into the dreamland. 


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