Lose Either Way

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"The lemon-grass tea you had at the corner café" Jungkook said with the menacing smile still in place. 

At Jungkook's words, sirens went off in Jimin's head. Even though he knows that his actions at the café weren't dubious enough, that little voice at the back of his mind told him to be extra cautious. 

"Oh…" Jimin widened his eyes, feigning realisation, "...it was great! It was great catching up with my cousin." He felt his dinner about to come back out at the end word. He prayed that whatever he has said was believable enough. Lying to Jungkook on the daily is another thing, and lying while being physically this close to him as he scanned his visage was extremely nerve-wracking. 

"Didn't Taehyung accompany you both?" Jungkook asked and Jimin didn't want anything but to move away from his lap. 

Lying in such precarious situation was rising his heartbeats and he's pretty sure that Jungkook can both hear and feel them. Sadly, Jungkook had a firm hand across Jimin's waist, a faint form of pressure to the action that assured its seriousness. 

"Commander Min whisked him away" Jimin stated with a grin. 

A very painful grin. 

He could feel the end coming and there was nothing he could do about it. He had no one here that would help him out. Oh how he wishes the Kims would have been staying over longer. At least then someone would come to his rescue. 

"And then you whisked away your cousin..." Jungkook stated, "...you seemed to be enjoying yourself a lot." 

"Yes, as I said, it was good to catch up on everything back home" Jimin tried his best acting skills to look normal. 

Not petrified. Not guilty. Nor way too confident. Just believable enough. 

"What did you talk about?" Jungkook cupped Jimin's jaw and flashed him a big smile. 

Fuck my skills, Jimin thought. 

"Just stuff about how everything is different here from home" Jimin managed to say, "and how I got used to it." 

"Didn't you tell him my next big plan?" Jungkook eyes turned darker and the words venomous. Jimin's body shuddered in horror, he prayed Jungkook did not feel that at all. 

"I don't understand what you're saying" Jimin whispered as he tried to get off Jungkook's lap. He felt nauseous. 

All this time he wondered what it would be like if Jungkook ever finds out, and unfortunately for him, he was way off. This was much, much worse. 

"I am not as dumb as you wish me to be, Doll" Jungkook spat the words as his grip tightened, holding Jimin in place. 

"I don't know what you're talking about" Jimin cried out, and he hated the fact that he could feel small streams already flowing down his cheeks. 

"What is your name?" Jungkook gripped his jaw to make him look up towards his face. 

"It's Taemin" Jimin whimpered, hoping this obliviousness works out. 

"Don't make me hurt you, it wouldn't be pleasant" Jungkook warned, grip still firm on Jimin's jaw and waist. 

"My name is Taemin" Jimin answered firmly and the next thing he knew was severe pain seeping into half of his face as Jungkook slapped him hard across the face.  

"I'm going to ask you one last time and if you still lie, it won't be a mere bitch slap" Jungkook warned, looking at the redness that started to colour Jimin's face. 

Jimin gulped, his thoughts haywire. His instincts screamed at him to come clean. Maybe Jungkook would at least spare his life. 

"It's Jimin" he whispered, trying his best to relax and answer truthfully. 

"When were you going to assassinate me?" Jungkook questioned and Jimin looked up at him, offended. 

"Never! I didn't come here to kill you" he answered, looking down, staring at Jungkook's chest. He could feel the Commander holding back on his anger, like a fucking time bomb. His mind told him to further co-operate on this. 

"Then why?" Jungkook made him look back up. 

"Transfer information" Jimin looked his Jungkook's eyes to prove he wasn't lying, "information about your war tactics and strategies." 

"I got shot because of that" Jungkook grit his teeth in anger, clearly not over the betrayal. 

"I stopped after that. I never wanted for you to get hurt! I didn't want anyone to get hurt!" Jimin cried out, frustrated. He didn't want Jungkook to think he was so cruel. 

"My men died because of you! Their blood is on your hands!" Jungkook screamed into his face, making Jimin reel back in horror. 

"I never wanted this!" Jimin screamed whilst pushing Jungkook away by the chest. 

"Oh really?" Jungkook held his hands forcefully, stopping him from trying to get off his lap, "Is that why you agreed to become a mole?" He accused. 

"I didn't have a choice at the time! I am just a maid! You would have killed Taehyung if I didn't agree" Jimin revealed and Jungkook's grip loosened as his mind registered the information. 

He always thought Jimin was a trained spy or assassin. 

Taking advantage of Jungkook's contemplative state, Jimin pulled back and fell off his lap and started to make a run for the door. Although in the back of his mind he knew he couldn't really run away from Jungkook, he just wanted to get as far away from him as possible. 

Sadly, he felt a hand grip his calf and he fell down with a whimper. Turning on his back, he looked at Jungkook's face. He was clearly lost at the moment. 

He crawled up Jimin's body and straddled him. He then gripped his neck, putting enough pressure. 

"Tell me everything honestly, and if I slightly doubt even a single detail, I'll choke you death" Jungkook's words escaped his mouth but even he couldn't believe himself. 

"I'll tell you the truth" Jimin rasped, hands on Jungkook's, trying to get his hand off his neck. 

"Yoongi took Taehyung, and you were going to kill him if Taniland didn't surrender. The King wasn't ready to lose the kingdom so he devised a plan to send me as their son so they could save the kingdom by forming a marriage alliance" Jimin explained as Jungkook's grip loosened. 

"Who is the real Prince?" Jungkook questioned. 

"The guy I was with at the café. He is the real Prince Taemin" saying those words sent a wave of calm across Jimin's whole body. Although, his mind kept reminding him of the possible consequences of his statements. 

Jungkook could only manage to form a non-committal noise in his throat before he landed a hard left hook to Jimin's face, effectively sending the man into the deep trenches of oblivion. He then got off his pretend husband's body and paced around it, mind catapulted into a war of emotions and responsibilities. 

Whatever he decides, he knew he was going to lose either way. Therefore, he decided to take the path that would set things right, once and for all. 

He halted his frantic pacing and stopped to look down at Jimin's body, then he bent down and picked him up. He then walked to the bed and set him on it. Reaching into the bedside drawers' lowermost drawer, he pulled out a thick rope and tied Jimin to the bed with it. 

Satisfied with his work, he sat back into the chair he had sat in previously, only now it faced the bed. Gun in hand, Jungkook stared at Jimin, waiting. 

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