Oh God Why

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"Doll..." Jungkook glared, "...get out of my way." 

Jimin simply shook his head in defiance and tried his best to block the doorway with his comparatively smaller body. 

"Let's not act childish now" Jungkook sighed out and Jimin gasped. 

"That's mean" he looked offended at the accusation. 

"My apologies…" Jungkook curtsied lightly, "...and now please move before I remove you myself" his threat was accompanied by a small smile. 

"You wouldn't" Jimin dared him. 

"You asked for it" Jungkook reprimanded as he swiftly picked Jimin up by his waist and walked them in towards their bed, whereupon he planted him over their bed. 

"You can't go!" Jimin's screamed when Jungkook started walking away, his voice sounded frustrated and whiney. 

He couldn't believe what Taehyung warned about would come chasing his ass so soon, or that his husband would be such a stubborn little shit to convince. 

"Why not? Why do you want to stop me so bad? Do you know something?" Jungkook walked towards Jimin, scaring him shitless of being accused of his actual crimes. 

"I'm pregnant!" out of his vast, polished vocabulary, all that came out were those words. 

Jimin had half a mind to bite the bullet of embarrassment and actually facepalm hard. 

His mind went: 

His mind went: 

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"What!?..." Jungkook was bewildered, "...we didn't even…" he frowned. 

"Exactly!" Jimin willed his brain to compensate the damage, "we need to have sex" he couldn't believe his own words, he wanted to laugh. 

"Well…" Jungkook was left speechless, so is the norm when he's around his husband, "... I'm sure it can wait" he chuckled before walking away, his heart beating wildly against his ribcage, one question tormenting his mind: 

"Is he actually pregnant by his lover?" 


On the road: 

"Halt!" Jungkook commanded when he saw another jeep approaching in a rather frantic speed. 

As his jeep halted, so did the oncoming one, right next to his. 

"Sorry I'm late" Yoongi looked apologetic as he got down from his jeep, which was taken over by another soldier. He walked towards Jungkook's jeep and got in to sit beside the Commander as the jeep resumed heading towards the borders. 

"Why were you late?" Jungkook asked, sensing a pattern here. 

"Taehyung was being difficult" Yoongi chuckled and Jungkook gave him a once over to realise his hair was disheveled and his buttons were done unevenly.  

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