Questions & Answers

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State your questions on each character's name (edit: write character's name before the question because Wattpad is being a bitch) and for time saving purpose, I'll be answering it in replies itself. Feel free to state any doubts if you guys have them. 

Shuru karte hai; 

For Jimin:

 (the mole, Jungkook's spouse). 

For Jungkook:

 (the Commander of Jikook land, Jimin's spouse). 

For Yoongi:

 (the Second in Command of Jikook land, Taehyung's boyfriend). 

For Taehyung:

 (Eldest Prince of Taniland, Yoongi's boyfriend).

For Taemin:

 (Youngest Prince of Taniland). 

For Jihyun:

 (Jimin's younger brother, adopted by King Seokjin). 

For Namjoon: 

(King of Taniland, spouse of Seokjin). 

For Seokjin: 

(King of Taniland, spouse of Namjoon). 

For Hoseok: 

(Commander of Taniland). 

For Jungshin: 

(Supreme Leader of Jikook land). 

For Merie:

(Officer of Jikook army, currently a mole at Kim castle). 


(If I missed anyone by chance and/or doubts). 

For Author: 

(Anything except spoilers). 


Thank you for your questions.

Love you guys 💕

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