What The Fuck!

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Author's POV:

Jungkook had decided that he'll ignore his husband and act like his marriage didn't happen at all. His decision proved to be difficult to follow through because his husband looked unbelievably handsome. His angelic features accompanied by his extremely beautiful body had Jungkook's ever stable discipline and control to falter.

Jungkook absolutely loved the way his tiny husband's body pressed up against him while they were dancing. He felt like a puzzle piece was finally placed in his incomplete life. It drove him over the edge when he simply pecked his husband's lips. It shouldn't be a big deal for him. He's kissed endless people in his life, done more than just kiss. Yet, this insignificant kiss brewed up a hunger in him. It fucked him up to the point where he was getting distracted as he sat in his office adjoined to his bedroom.

Jungkook worshipped his work, nothing came before his work. Now his husband was ruining his priorities.

“For fucks sake” Jungkook muttered as he shoved the map aside and pulled the file forward which contained their marriage truce. He opened it and read his husband's details.  

Kim Taemin, second son of Kim Namjoon and Kim Seokjin; ruling Kings of Taniland.

Born on 13th of October, current age sixteen (an: caught in a lie~)

“No wonder he's so small” Jungkook mused at the ten year age difference with his husband.

“I practically married a kid” he muttered displeased.

Has an elder brother named Kim Taehyung, heir to the throne. Born on 30th December, current age eighteen.

“So that's who Yoongi met before the invasion” he muttered remembering how Yoongi so fortunately caught their heir as they were on their way to invade Taniland.

“I'm getting distracted!” Jungkook muttered, dropping his head against his mahogany desk. Also the fact that his distraction was just two doors away from him wasn't helping. He groaned and gathered all the documents he brought up and left locking his office. He didn't trust anyone in this house.

Jungkook remained in the main office at the ground floor for the remainder of the night, working on his usual plans.

He vowed to keep his distance from his tantalizing vixen of a husband.


Next morning:

Jimin timidly entered the huge dinning hall. He had glimpsed at the president at his wedding and he looked as intimidating as his husband. It's no mystery who Jungkook inherited his persona from. So to sum it up, Jimin was going to have a very nerve wracking breakfast.

' What my life has come to?' Jimin commented rhetorically and neared the huge dinning table which looked like it can hold at least fifty people.

“Aah Prince Taemin, come seat yourself next to Jungkook” President Jeon got out of his chair upon noticing his son in law entering the dinning hall.

Jimin bowed as a greeting and glanced towards his husband and went to sit next to him, who didn't acknowledge his entrance.

' rOoD' Jimin thought.

How's he gonna warm up to him if gets ignored?

“So…” the President drawled out, making Jimin look at him. He was seated at the head of the table while Jungkook and Jimin were seated at his left.


Jungshin ||| rectangular ass table |||

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