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Author's POV:

Jimin got flung at a table which held ammunition.

“Ow!” Jimin winced as the table dug into his side.

“What the fuck are you doing here?” Jungkook seemed extremely pissed.

“Helping the doctors” Jimin answered as he rubbed his injury.

The couple got interrupted as a doctor got shoved inside the tent.

“Get the fuck out!” Jungkook screamed at him.

“You're going to bleed to death if you keep arguing with your husband and we're going to lose this damn war!” Yoongi exclaimed as he entered shoving two more doctors inside.

“Fix him” he ordered the doctors and walked out.

Jungkook would have gotten mad at his show of authority but he knew he was right. They didn't have time for this.

“Be quick” Jungkook ordered to the doctors while taking off the bloody tourniquet.

As soon as the strip of cloth came off, blood came rushing out. The sight had Jimin almost throw up. Despite all the injuries he's seen the whole day, something about a hideous hole in his husband's side had Jimin feeling queasy.

He watched on as the doctors cleaned his wounds and Jungkook stabbed himself with morphine before they sewed up the huge gash and nursed his other minor injuries. Jimin took a breath of relief when they bandaged Jungkook's stomach. He couldn't bare to watch anymore of Jungkook's wounds.

“Please try to restrict movements” the head doctor said despite knowing the commander was going back into war and would probably end up ripping his stitches.

Jungkook simply grunted and the doctors fled the room, already feeling the oncoming tension.

Jimin gulped as Jungkook stalked towards him, making him push back into the table behind him.

“What did I tell you before I left?” Jungkook's tone held a certain warning as he caged Jimin in-between his arms by placing them flat against the table surface on both sides of Jimin's waist.

Jimin tried to move back but only ended up leaning backwards against the table. The fact that Jungkook kept invading his personal space didn't help at all. If he wasn't dizzy before, he definitely was now.

“To stay inside” Jimin whispered shakily. He could see various scars on Jungkook's naked torso.

“And what are you doing right now?” Jungkook asked nearing his face, intimidating him.

“The opposite” Jimin's nerves were practically haywire by now.

“Commander” a deep voice rang, making the couple whip their heads towards the tent entrance. The intrusion was nothing but an agitated cat.

“How many?” Jungkook took the file from Yoongi and read it, unaware of Jimin who peaked in and found that the paper was to call in troops from his land.

“300” He answered and Jungkook hummed as he signed it and handed it back.

As Yoongi left Jungkook moved away to search for a fresh uniform shirt and put it on.

“Go home” Jungkook said as he pushed Jimin away from the table to gather ammo for himself.

“No” Jimin had a sudden stroke of bravery.

“What?” Jungkook turned around as he clicked the magazines in place and tucked the guns away. His face showed incredulity.

“I want to help” Jimin shuffled on his feet uncomfortably.

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