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I'm sorry for saying I'll update soon, but didn't! Shit happens ya'know. I would also like to request for everyone to stop asking me to update constantly. I know it's the way you guys express your love for this book, but please do understand that sometimes I just can't think about this book to write it. My older readers and close friends know that I'm not always in a state to write so they don't ask, but I think it's the new readers that don't know and flood me with these messages. I really appreciate all your love, but please don't constantly ask me to update. 

Thank you for reading this note. Now onto the update you go! 


"Fuck" Jimin thought as he saw Jungkook pounce towards him. Quickly, out of instincts, he jumped out of his chair to move aside and Jungkook ended up somersaulting over the chair, perfectly landing on his feet and hands. He looked up at Jimin, visibly more pissed off and Jimin's eyes widened before he tried to run. Sadly, Jungkook was quick to pull him back by his arm and he slammed him into the wall. 

"Don't you fucking dare test my patience!" He wrung Jimin's neck with enough pressure. The latter simply closed his eyes, aware of the fact that his retaliation would lead to more disastrous consequences. 

"You don't get to apologise to me, you don't get to talk to me, you don't even get to look at me! Is that clear?!" He pressed hard enough and Jimin nodded, unable to form words as his entire oxygen supply was cut off. 

Satisfied with Jimin's answer, Jungkook let go of his throat swiftly, looking on as the pathetic boy fell to the floor. 

He moved back towards his chair, ready to get a nap in before Yoongi opens the damned door and he gets to murder his stupid ass. 

Meanwhile Jimin continued to silently cry into his hands, fully regretting everything, including being born. 

After what felt like centuries, but was only an hour, both the spouses heard the key turn. Jungkook was the first one to spring out of his chair, Jimin followed after getting up from the floor. 

"You traitor!" Jungkook screamed as Yoongi's face showed itself upon the door opening. Immediately the Commander punched his friend, effectively knocking him down. 

"Woah" was all Yoongi could manage before Jungkook was on top of him, punching him continuously, raising his head each time by the  collar. 

"Don't. Fucking. Listen. To. Your. Stupid. Lover. Ever. Again." he enunciated each word with a punch followed by the sickening sound of fist meeting flesh. Jimin stood frozen behind Jungkook, aware of the fact that the havoc the Commander was creating currently stemmed from his hatred for his fake husband. He considered himself lucky those punches weren't directed at him, although he knew they were very much meant for him. 

Rightfully, Yoongi let Jungkook express his anger, without fighting back. He knew deep down what he did wasn't right of him. He would never interfere with anyone's matters. This time he did so just for Taehyung, but he agreed to himself that he shouldn't always give in to his boyfriend's whims. 

Once done with messing up Yoongi's face structure, Jungkook stood up and stomped off. Jimin then finally ran towards Yoongi to assist him.

"I'm sorry Taehyung made you do this" Jimin removed his cotton handkerchief and dabbed at Yoongi's bloody wounds scattered around the right half of his face. 

"Don't be" Yoongi sat up and spat blood at the side. "He didn't plan this, he just asked me to talk to Jungkook, I went overboard" he chuckled to ease Jimin's guilty expression. 

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