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Pacing back and forth they try to think about the last password they had heard. "Constellations! That's what it is."

"Wrong again. Why do you want to come in here so badly? Can't you ask your "friends" to come in when they are here?" The Enchantress pries with suspicion as the doves and hummingbirds stare intently at the worsen standing before them.

"I told you they need me to grab something for them..." they say trying to think of what the password could be.

Taking a seat back on her throne the Enchantress sighs,"I'm not going to let you in."

Looking up slightly at the enchantress with a scowl they put their head down quickly as to not let their Hogwarts robe slip off.

"You want me to let you in but you cannot tell me the correct password and won't show me your face. That seems rather... suspicious don't you think?" The Enchantress says trying to get some answers as to why they want in the head prefects dorm so badly. "And how did you know where this portrait door was?"

"I am friends with them how many times do I have to tell you!" They say raising their voice slightly before looking around to make sure no one is around or could have heard. "You are rather mean you know that? Why can't you just let me in?"

Before the enchantress could respond, they had walked off in the opposite direction they came when they heard a slight noise that resembles talking. Leaving quickly they could hear Hermione and Draco walking back to their dorm with Ginny and Harry following suit.

Peeking around the corner they watched as they came up to the portrait but when Ginny lingered too long looking in their direction they bolted off as to not be caught but missing the new password in the process.

"How was your night Enchantress?" Hermione asked politely.

Wondering if she should divulge the strange occurrence the Enchantress was too tired to talk to people any longer. "Rather normal. Password?"

"Ara" Draco spoke up as the Portrait door swung open and the four walked into their common room completely unaware of what had happened moments prior.


Walking over to the fire they sat down across from the hooded figure in an armchair much too big for them. Sighing slightly before taking out the piece of paper with information for the figure, a few small pebbles fell onto the floor.

"Near water a lot are you?" The hooded figure questioned them as they took off their hoods.

"You know that's where I come up with my best plans." they smirked while handing over the piece of paper. "Just some ideas I've come up with that might be worth looking into."

"I'm not worried about the timeline. Yes the boy is taking much too long but I have no doubt things will end the way we need them to."

Snapping they gave a scowl to the hooded figure, "I care! I needed this to all be settled by the holidays if not sooner. I do not want this lingering for too long, I want it done and over with!"

Getting up and going over towards their chair they brush back the hair from their face before leaning down to their ear, "You will get what you wanted my dear..." The hooded figure says quietly.

"I better. If not don't think I won't do it all myself."

Giving a hearty laugh with an underlying evilness, they grabbed at their hair tilting their head back when the figure spoke, "Let's not forget who you are talking to, I could snap that beautiful neck of yours in a second."

This time it was their turn to laugh as they pulled their head back to stand up. "You need me too much to do that." they smirked knowing it was the truth. "I'll be bringing the boy shortly to make another, its the safest option."

"If that's what you want then I won't stop you. I could use another book from that library." they said thinking about the spell.

"Ill see what I can do." was all that was said before they disappeared into thin air leaving the hooded figure alone by the fire once again.


Shooting out from the DADA professors fireplace, they quickly got us brushing off their clothes from the dirt all over them. It was the only i replace that they knew of that could be used to floo.

They opened the door slightly to make sure no one was in the classroom before going out. Seeing no one in there they quickly scurried down the stairs and out of the classroom towards their house common room.

The corridors were extremely cold due to the cold weather bit also the storm brewing outside. The rain was pounding on the roofs of the castle while the thunder and lighting struck booming throughout the castle while the lighting struck so bright it lit up the corridors that were almost pitch black due to it being so late.

As they passed each corner they looked to make sure no one was patrolling as to not be caught. Finally they got to the common room and entered the portrait hole after giving the password.

Breathing a sigh of relief that they were not caught by anyone in the halls they made their way to their dorm before taking off their cloak and hopping in bed.


A short chapter for today but gets you thinking about what is to come! I have the next two chapters in the drafts so they will he up soon. :)
Vote and follow along!
Mia xx

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