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Two days of relaxing and enjoying each others company, it was now the day before the ball. Madness had ensued in the manor as the final decorations were being put up in the drawing room, gardens, and every other space Narcissa insisted the guests would see. 

Hermione, Ginny, and Pansy all lounged on the couches in the corner of the drawing room watching everyone run around like it was a mad house. Hermione lied across one of the couches, her head on Pansy's lap while Ginny lied adjacent to them her ginger hair sprawled out. 

Meanwhile Draco, Harry, and Blaise were part of the ones running around, being ordered around partly by Narcissa and what seemed to be Blaise. 

"Do the boys seem a little too invested to you?" Hermione questioned seeing Blaise pointing at the stage while Draco pointed at the dance floor. 

Pausing their conversation about hair and makeup for tomorrow, Ginny and Pansy looked over. "Hm, yea they do." 

"Do you think th-," Ginny was cut off by a whirl of light and platinum hair as Luna apparated in running over to the girls. 

Plopping down on the couch across from Pansy and Hermione, Luna smiled brightly. The boys flocked over seeing Luna back to hear how her date went. 

"So?! How was the date?" Blaise encouraged as everyone snickered at him. 

Blaise scowled, "What? I'm asking what we're all thinking." 

Luna's cheek lit up pink, "Well I had a lovely time and even have a date for tomorrow!" 

"That's great Luna!" Hermione smiled.

Harry chimed in, "How's Neville?"

At that, Luna's cheeks went pure red, "Well you see I didn't actually go on a date... with... Neville." Luna said slowly as confusion radiated amongst the group. "Neville never showed but while I was waiting at the bar I happened to see Cho. We sort of got to talking and catching up and she asked me out on a date so I went and it was amazing. We went to a gorgeous cafe just outside Hogsmeade that was just so cozy, then we walked around Hogsmeade a little and well now I'm here. " 

Panic started to raise in Luna as everyone was silent when Draco walked behind the couch and hugged Luna from behind the couch. "That's brilliant Luna, I can't wait to see her here tomorrow." 

Hermione smiled so hard her cheeks hurt seeing the two and the relief on Luna's face. "I'm really happy for you Luna."

The rest of the group exclaimed their excitement for her as Ginny and Harry hugged her. 

"Thank you all, I am really happy." Luna said wiping a few stray tears away. 


Hermione sat on the floor surrounded by books as Pansy read a magazine by the fire, Luna climbed the ladders to see the top shelf books that "got neglected" , and Ginny ate a snack. 

Putting her hair up with her wand, Hermione pushed the small pieces out of her face that had fallen out. "This person must be older to be able to make a spell. This process is complex and every book says there is no real path to follow. You make an incantation, motion, and test it until it works. It's incredibly dangerous yet they created a spell without it backfiring at all." 

"I mean someone doesn't have to be old to be powerful. Look at your magic for example." Pansy said flipping her page. 

"She's not wrong though," Luna chimed in pushing herself on the ladder to another bookcase. "My mother died testing out spells she was trying to create. It's incredibly complex." 

"I'm sorry Luna, I forgot..." Hermione said looking up at her.

Luna waved her hand, "Don't be, it's been a long time and I know I'll see her again." 

"Dark magic is a lot harder though so that bring us back to maybe a little older. I mean could any of us perfect dark magic at our age?" Ginny questioned. "Well actually we could."

"Almost all of us have been able to perform some form of dark magic and I'd bet a whole lot of galleons that Draco or Hermione here could." Pansy said coming over to sift through the books with Hermione. 

"Finding out who's doing this, is not going to be easy." Hermione said as Pansy looked at Hermione worried.


"Kill them now." They spat at Ron as his face remained stoic. 

The person on their knees whimpered, shaking as Ron's wand touched their neck. "P-please don't do this. I- I have a family." 

"Kill them now or you know what will happen." 

A strike of green shot from his wand as he yelled out, "Avada Kedavra!" 

The body fell limp to the floor as the figure grabbed something off the nearby table, throwing it at the floor in front of Ron. "Don't fuck up again."

"What is this brilliant plan you had? The holiday break is almost over..." She asked from the corner of the room as the figure walked to the door. 

They turned to her, the light of the fire illuminating the bottom half of their face as they smirked. "Wouldn't you like to know." 


Hey loves!

A short update before the new few chapters. ;)

Thank you all for your support,

Mia xx

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