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"Late last night someone broke into the restricted section again..." said Filch as he was talking to another Professor.

Hermione couldn't help but listen considering she was going to walk past them on the way to the Great Hall for dinner. Upon approaching them she couldn't make out much since they were whispering on the other side of the hall but she did manage to hear them say that they haven't figured out who took the book and why but they know which book was taken. Not thinking much of it she continued walking towards the Great Hall and then she took a seat next to Ron and Neville as she arrived.

  "I'm just saying that there is no reason for Professor Greer to give us a huge essay the first week of school! It is unacceptable!" Ginny shouted as she ate her lamb.

She wasn't wrong , considering it is the first week of school they were getting  a lot more work than they expected to. Nevertheless Hermione already had it done within the first two days. Typical Hermione for you.

" Don't worry Gin, I will help you,"  Harry reassured her.

"I am an independent woman, I don't need my boyfriends help!" Ginny said as everyone burst out laughing at her sudden outrage but she joined in.

" ... and that's why I love you Gin ," said Harry as he kissed her cheek earning groans from everyone at the table except Ron who just kept his head down and was reading what looked like a Defense Against the Dark Arts book.

Looking over at Ron, Hermione says," Ron did you want to come to my common room today? I'm sure you'll love it. "

All she got in response was a shake of his head so she took that was a time for no more questioned, no matter how much it bothered her. Trying to not let it get to her she just brushed it off knowing he will open up at some point. Or so she hoped.

"Alright c'mon Hermione I am DYING to see your new common room!" Says Ginny as she drags Hermione's hand with her as she runs pretty fast out of the great hall.

While walking to the common room they pass Pansy walking down the hall as well.

"Hey Parkinson! We are going to Hermione's common room, do you want to come?" Ginny spoke up. Hermione had talked to Ginny and she was more than willing to forgive and have another girl friend. Over half of the students had come back to Hogwarts but not everyone did. All the girls were in dire need of some new girl friends.

"Hey, yea I would love to come!" Pansy says as she joins along side them walking down the corridor.

When they get to the common room Ginny and Pansy were very surprised to see that the painting on the door was just a few hummingbirds and doves with the enchantress.

"Very interesting painting you guys got there," says Pansy jokingly.

"Oh yea, hummingbirds have always been my favorite bird so I am not complaining but I agree very weird choice of a painting." Hermione responded as she says the password and they all walk in.

Pansy and Ginny were blown away by the giant common room and how gorgeous it was. They both went right over to the giant couch and laid down testing it out.

"Wow 'Mione! Your guys' common room is amazing! We are definitely going to have a girls night here one night! Malfoy can go stay somewhere else!" Ginny exclaimed.

"Agreed!" Pansy called out from upstairs.

"When did she get up there?!" Ginny and Hermione laughed.

After an hour of just looking around, hanging out, and catching up it was about time for Ginny and Pansy to head back to their common rooms. The girls had left and Hermione opened one of her books for her Astrology classes in front of the fire. The common room really was amazing, she even had a snack section she could grab food from. She grabbed some popcorn, opened her book and read in front of the fire.

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