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As Malfoy and Hermione led all the students off the train she couldn't help but look at Malfoy. He was helping the students with all of their luggage, putting it on the boats and some on the thresrals carriages. Something had almost changed in him. Not only did he look different but he wasn't as arrogant or rude, hell he hadn't even called her a foul name so far. Something quite clearly had changed in him, she could feel it. Then someone's voice interrupted Hermione's thoughts.


"Oh....erm..yes?" Hermione said as she was snapping back into reality.

" I think we need to head to the school now." Draco noted cautiously knowing he already startled her by speaking at all.

"Oh right. Sorry, I lost track of time." Hermione said as they started to get on a carriage.

Once on the carriage, Malfoy started to stare at Hermione while she was reading a book.  Noticing every little detail about her. As much as he denied it in prior years, she was beautiful. Her hair wasn't puffy anymore, and was now straight and pulled back into a ponytail. The way her mouth curled into a small smile as she read her book. Or how much her appearance has changed over the years, she no longer wore the Hogwarts robes but jeans that fit her perfectly and a light jacket. After what felt like hours Malfoy pried his eye off of her before she noticed and went back to reading his own book. Yet could not focus on it with all the thoughts rushing through his head, how does he talk to her normally after the years of torment and the hurt he had caused towards her and her friends?

He had worked on changing so hard and it went well. Now more than ever he is realizing all that is put to the test now that he has to befriend Granger.

After arriving at the school they entered the Great Hall and Malfoy went over to the Slytherin table leaving Hermione scanning the room for Harry and the others. Finally after finding them Hermione walked over and took a seat next to Harry and they smiled at each other.

"Hey Hermione, was everything okay with Malfoy?" Harry asked obviously worried that something might have happened. Mostly worried Malfoy was being a prick as usual.

"Yes Harry, everything was fine. We barely talked. But there is one thing I need to tell you all." said Hermione, getting everyone's attention.

" Wah iz it Harmenie?" Ron said with a mouth full of food.

"Okay, well... Malfoy and I share a common room so I won't be staying in the Gryffindor common room anymore." Hermione said in one breath to get it over with.

" You can't be serious." Ron said smoothly almost acting as if he didn't believe her. Although she did wonder how much he actually cared as he dove back into his food momentarily.

"Yes Ronald, I'm serious. I wouldn't lie about something like this." said Hermione getting more annoyed by the minute with his behavior.

"I think it'll be fun! Think about how much fun it will be for us all to have a place to hang without prefects and professors lurking over us!" Ginny says with a smile and a nudge at Harry.

Giving Ginny a look of 'thank you', Hermione says, "Exactly Gin. I think it will be fine. Plus having my own bedroom is definitely going to be nice"

"We were right about the common room though. Definitely off with who Head Boy was but half right I guess." Ginny says as Hermione nods chewing her food.

" I'm sure everyone would love to see it! Wouldn't you Harry?" Hermione says as she turned to Harry.

"I would love to but are you sure Mal-" Before Harry could finish Hermione shoved food in his mouth so they could just eat and get off the topic. Harry laughed as they all started to eat and Ginny handed Harry a napkin to get the food off his face.

Hermione MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now