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The next morning, the lot of them sat at the table eating breakfast when Draco's owl came knocking on the window, "The morning post is in..." Pansy says as she gave the owl a treat.

Draco sat up slightly, grabbing a scone for himself and Hermione."I heard the word is out about the Marriage Law from some of my employees, people are saying it's rubbish but the Ministry is defending itself. Hard to believe Kingsley is helping their plan for this."

"Anything good so far?" Ginny asked Pansy who was reading.

Pansy's face went pure white when she turned to the second page of the Daily Prophet. "I'm not sure you'd count this as good." she sighed as she read the headline.

Former Death-Eater Draco Malfoy reportedly decided on Muggle Born Hermione Granger for the Ministry of Magic's Marriage Law! Is a half-blood Malfoy in the making? Malfoy Ancestors rolling in their graves at the new Muggle born bloodline!

"More to come next week..." she finished as Hermione's jaw dropped.

Standing up from the table and heading over to Pansy with her tea still in her hands, Hermione couldn't believe her eyes. "She actually said that?!"

"You're not pregnant are you?" Ginny questioned.

Hermione nearly choked on her tea as she looked towards her bestfriend. "Fuck no."

Everyone's eyes trailed to her stomach as she rounded the table to sit down. "Stop looking at me like that, I'm not! I can assure you I know how to use the charm and draft up the potion."

Focusing back on her face and not her stomach, Harry and Ginny reached for the paper as Hermione sat back in her seat. "I'm going to kill this witch. I thought the last one was bad."

Draco rubbed her leg for comfort, while she leaned her head against the back of the chair.

"We all know this stuff is rubbish." Blaise joined in.

"What did the last one say?" Harry questioned before Draco answered for her.

"Hermione Granger who reportedly obliviated her parents abandons them again to be Head Girl with Ex- Death Eater Draco Malfoy. Do we hear about a relationship between the two."

Ginny shook her head, reading the page. "This woman is vile."

"Did you see what she wrote about you two?" Hermione asked as Harry snatched the paper to see.

The Wizarding Worlds Savior, Harry Potter to marry Ginevra Weasley! Is the youngest Weasley a gold digger after all?

"Merlin..." Harry said as Ginny went wide-eyed at the paper.

"A gold digger?!?! As if I give a rats ass about Harry's money!" she yelled as Pansy took the paper from her. "Harry we need to get them to take this edition down and burn it!"

Harry put his arm around Ginny. "Don't listen to them Gin."

"I don't resort to violence anymore but maybe we should just take her ou-"Pansy stopped when she flipped the page and a letter fell out of the Daily Prophet onto the table.

A pit formed in Hermione's stomach as she saw the same parchment and tie that they were sent before. After the silence, everyone looked over and saw the note. They all knew exactly who it was from.

Pansy carefully undid the black tie holding the parchment together and unraveled it.

Enjoy the show.


Love requires me, I am the key to symmetry,  and I will never be alone. AM


"What the fuck does that mean?!" Blaise yelled as Pansy finished reading the parchment before tossing it in the middle of the table.

Hermione shook her head, "They're just trying to scare us."

"Well it's bloody working!" Ginny exclaimed.

Draco took a note at the letter, reading it again. "What do we think these numbers could mean?"

"1,1. " Harry said, "They have to be separated for a reason. "

"It ca't be a date can it?" Hermione asked. "January 1st?"

"Well if this 'show' took place on the first then we'd all be here, I'd hope whoever this is knows the type of security we have here." Draco said as Blaise nodded.

"They can't be that daft."

Harry chimed in, "That's if it's a day because why would they separate them with a period and not a slash? It doesn't make sense."

"There's not much we can de besides ponder on it. I mean we can't get much from numbers." Hermione said with a sigh. "As for the riddle, obviously its the number two."

Pansy asked, "How'd you get that so quick?"

Draco answered for her, "It takes two to be in love, symmetries require two objects, and the number two can never be alone since one plus one equals two. Which brings us to 2 AM."

"Unless it's one injured, one dead, two total injured." Ginny said as the table went silent.

Blaise piped up, "Do we not remember Hermione kicking ass in the gardens yesterday? We'll be just fine with all of us together plus Granger and the copious amounts of security here IF it's January first."

Everyone nodded at that before silence washed over the group again as they took comfort in that answer. The lot of them started eating again as Hermione played with her food, thinking too hard.

'Unless I'm the one dead...'

Draco pulled her into his side, planting a kiss on her temple. Hermione momentarily forgot he could hear most of her thoughts.

'Not going to happen my love. Anyone lays a hand on you and they're as good as dead.' Draco spoke to her as she turned her head towards him.

'I'd never let you injure or kill someone for me.'

'Nothing, I haven't already done love.'

Hermione's eyebrows furrowed at him as he pulled her chin in so he could place a small kiss on her lips. 'You know I would do it again in a heartbeat.'

'They'd die trying to kill me anyways.' Hermione joked with a huge smile on her face.

'and I'm the one with the big ego...' Draco smiled down at her.

"Oi, " Blaise yelled over, "What are you two giggling at?"

"Oh nothing..." Hermione laughed as Draco handed her a scone to eat.

"I don't like that they can talk to each other in their heads now... too suspicious." Ginny said with narrowed eyes.

Hermione finished up eating while everyone got ready for their daily dueling session that would now be outside with the ball being set up in the ballroom.

Going out the french doors in the kitchen, Hermione smiled at her friends, "Who wants to duel me today?"


Bit of a short one today!

Hope you enjoy!


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