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That next morning they all sat together at the end of the Gryffindor table.

"Last night was so fun." Pansy said.

"Agreed!" Luna says back a little too perky for everyone as they all had quite the hangover.

"You know I really wish we could all have a common room like that... sleeping in our house towers suck. Sleeping in a room of six girls gets old." Ginny says.

"Maybe we could talk to McGonagall about making rooms for all you guys. I mean it is the room of requirements." Hermione says excitedly.

"Yea, we have a meeting with her later so we could try bringing it up." responds Draco.

"Oh my Merlin, that would be so fun!" Pansy says as she smiles at Blaise.

As everyone continues to eat Hermione starts to get a really bad pain in her ribs. Although her leg was completely healed now the ribs don't seem to be healing much.

"Hey..." she whispers to Draco as he leans towards her to hear her, "My ribs hurt so bad all of a sudden, maybe I should go up to the hospital wing."

"It might just be healing, how about we go later if it's still hurting, probably from that cat of yours." he says back.

"Oh come on! You know he's cute!" she laughs as she pushes his shoulder.

"Mhmm" he smiles as he leans over and gives her a quick kiss on the lips before they hear a gasp.

Looking to the aisle next to them at who gasped they see Ron and Lavender with their eyes buldging out of their heads.

"I knew you would go right to him! I cannot believe you... we break up a few week ago and now you're snogging the prat who called you mudblood for years and tormented all of us!" Ron says as his face gets more and more red.

Hermione shot up out of her seat. "You can't believe me? You're the one who hopped into bed with Lavender while we were still together! You weren't even present in our relationship for MONTHS before we took that break. And for what it's worth Draco has apologized to ALL of us and is a changed person who deserved a second change and who I trust with my life." Hermione spits back with her wand raised at Ron, as Draco looks at her and sees a side he has never seen before of her.

Now stepping in Harry says, "Ron you need to calm down. Nothing is wrong here besides the way you are acting... don't do this. Just let her be happy."

"You're siding with them?!" Ron exclaims.

"Yes because you have not been the same in months Ron and no one knows why because you ignore all of us. We're done!" Ginny says as she joins the conversation. "Oh and by the way, enjoy the howler that's to come from mum!" she says with a smile.

"Are you kidding Gin... you know what?" he says as he turns back to face Hermione, "You breaking up with me was the best thing that ever happened to me. You know how that family thinks of you... they think of you as the mudblood that you are! Have fun with the ferret and never being good enough for him or that bloody family." he spits out as Lavender laughs.

"I'm going to knock his teeth out!" Draco says as he started to get up from the table but Hermione and Blaise pull him back down as she took a step closer to Ron.

"Screw you Ron! Your lucky I'm head girl or else you would be hexed into the next century...instead the last 200 points Gryffindor has are now gone and you have three weeks worth of detention. That slur is not a term we use here at Hogwarts." Hermione says as Ron and Lavender looked at her incredulously.  As Ron walked away Hermione put her wand on Lavenders shoulder before saying rather loud to her, "I do hope your acting skills are on par. Have fun with him Miss Brown, you'll get a full six seconds out of him..."

Hermione MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now