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"Alright my fellow witches and wizards, how are we doing this?" Ginny asked as she looked around at the ballroom.

Waving his wand, Draco moved all the couches previously by the fireplace and enormous Christmas tree over towards the middle of the room making a lane between the couches to duel in.

"We can duel in the middle of the couches so we have a rough estimate of where to stay." Draco said taking a seat on the plush ivory couch while everyone followed.

Twirling her wand in her hand Pansy says, "So who wants to go first? I for one want to see Miss Wand-less Magic in action first."

"Would you all stop calling me that?" Hermione chuckled standing up. "Harry you up for it?"

Everyone looked curiously at the pair getting up to duel as Harry laughed. "Aren't I always?"

"Why only Harry?" Pansy questioned.

Ginny came over sitting down next to Pansy as she waved her hand. "When Hermione was learning wand-less magic she refused to do it around any of us in case anything happened or went wrong. Once she started dueling with it and using it more she would only let Harry be the one to deflect the spells since he was highly used to strong spells. Albeit it took a lot of convincing on Harry's part to even get Hermione to shoot spells at him but from there on out she would only practice with him. The story of how he convinced her is a funny story for another time."

Harry stood on one side of the couches with Hermione at the other. Rubbing her hands together, Hermione closed her eyes for a moment to focus herself. Although she had done this countless times now she wasn't used to having an audience while dueling much less her boyfriend-fiancee whatever he was at this point who had never quite seen her the way he was about to.

"Someone may want to grab some water." Harry called out as Hermione rolled her eyes. "It was one time Harry!"

"Water?" Draco questioned as Winnie and Polly came walking in with pitchers of water and cups for the lot of them. "Thank you girls." he whispered as Hermione laughed.

"I passed out one time after we dueled and there was no water around so Harry gets nervous if there is none around... even though I am fine." Hermione says glaring at Harry.

"Hermione are you going to use your words and hand motions?" Ginny questioned.

Turning to Harry, she says, "Well if Harry can't handle it I will surely say the spells or do hand motions and dumb it down."

Everyone snickered as Draco shook his head in awe at Hermione making poking fun at Harry.

"No, no please don't dumb it down on my account Miss Malfoy. " Harry winked.

Hermione giggled shaking her head trying not to acknowledge how giddy hearing that made her feel, "Not yet Potter." she says before looking at Draco and smiling as he winks at her.

"Don't worry Gin I'll be fine."

Pulling his wand out of his back pocket Harry got himself positioned to duel. "You ready to have some fun?" Hermione yelled over to him.

"Boy am I ever." he said sarcastically. "Someone play some music in the back so it's not so quiet in here, it's eerie when you're standing across from Hermione."

A few chuckles chorused the air as Draco put a record onto the record played in the corner of the room. Music erupted throughout the ballroom as Hermione smiled at Harry.

"I'm not going to shoot a spell out of thin air so be my guest to shoot the first spell." Hermione said as Harry nodded.

The air was laced with anticipation as their friends were beyond ready to see not only Hermione's magic but it's not every day you see the boy who lived fight the brightest witch of her age. Harry shot the first spell as Hermione easily deflected it without so much as moving an inch.

Hermione MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now