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"Why exactly is there a stage Malfoy?"

Pansy skipped around everyone and placed her hands on the stage. "I can explain this one... because my gorgeous friends there will be announcements and a live performer here for everyone to dance to!"

Everyone laughed as Blaise pulled Pansy away from the stage. "Narcissa will skin you if you mess up her stage."

"Oh please, she loves me!" Pansy laughed as the lot of them made their way from the drawing room to the kitchens.

Draco pulled open the cellar door letting everyone down first before closing the door behind him. Everyone circled around the cellar marveling at how much they had in it. A full wet bar was along the back wall with tons of couches in a half moon around it. There was a pool table with more seating across from it and a record player.

The lot of them ran over to the couches by the bar and sat down while Hermione went around the bar to scope out the bottles.

"Oi what are you doing over there Hermione?" Harry called out.

Luna smiled as she pulled herself up onto the counter of the bar taking a seat next to where Hermione was standing, "Mm are we forgetting that she won the duel in the snow?"

"That's right! Which means..." Hermione smirked as she waited for them to catch on.

"Oh bloody hell," Blaise said as his head hit the back of the couch. "Miss Granger gets to pick what everyone is drinking tonight." Draco finished as he smirked at his girl.

The group groaned as Hermione's smile grew wider. "Hm, let's see..." Hermione said as she looked around the bar grabbing a few bottles. Walking over to the couch she eyed everyone wondering who she should give what.

"For you Pans..." she held out the Daisyroot Drought, "and you Blaise," she said as he grabbed the Dragon Barrel Brandy.

"Dear Merlin, Hermione please don't give me something as bad as Blaise." Ginny laughed as Hermione grabbed more bottles.

Hermione tossed a bottle to Ginny,"Gin for Ginny!"

"Ha ha so very funny," Ginny quipped as she gave her a side eye. "Some lovely red current rum for Luna."

"At least my drink is delicious!"

Hermione grabbed the three remaining bottles before making her last trip over. "Some tequila for Harry," she handed him the bottle and turned to hand Draco his bottle. "Firewhiskey for you and ImpVodka for me!"

Hermione plopped onto the couch next to Draco as everyone took their first sips.

"Can I just say, I never thought I would see the day that you four were at the manor with us..." Pansy spoke pointing her bottle at Luna, Harry, Ginny, and Hermione. "But I'm really glad you guys are. "

"Aw Pansy, I think that's the nicest thing you've ever said to me." Ginny held onto her heart making Pansy roll her eyes.

"You're already making me regret it." Pansy wrinkled her nose following her next sip. "Okay who is going to play billiards with me? "

"Oo, that would be me!" Ginny called out as she grabbed her glass and scurried over to the pool table.

Blaise stood going over to one of the tables closest to the billiards table. "Pans you don't want to loose to Malfoy again?"

Pansy huffed a small laugh, "I will save myself that embarrassment for tonight."

"You are that bad Pans?" Hermione laughed as she too made her way over to the table.

Hermione MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now