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Happy New year loves! Finally got a new computer so lots of updates to come!

This chapter does have smut so please skip if that is not your thing!


Looking up at the constellations, Hermione could feel Draco rubbing circles on her hand with his thumb. The two lied there on top of the luxurious fur blankets that were all over the manor staring up at the constellations as they had done so many times before on the astronomy tower but now being on Draco's balcony. It was beyond freezing but with a small fire in front of them it wasn't so bad.

An owl fluttered up to them, landing next to Draco as he sat up to retrieve the letter giving the owl a small treat he had ready for it.

"Who's that from?" Hermione questioned as she stayed lying down.

Reading the letter, Draco rolled it up quickly before putting it away in his pocket. "From Harry. I Invited him to Hogsmeade with us since he wanted to stop at a certain store with me. Nothing too exciting. "

While Hermione felt like it was somewhat suspicious she pushed off the feeling knowing she could snoop later to see what was going on.

"Mm while we're on the topic, I did have a conversation with Ginny." Draco tread lightly as he lied down on his side to face Hermione as she did the same to face him.


Grabbing her hand in his, he kissed the back of it lightly. "In potions before we left Hogwarts. I explained that we only found out the night before and she didn't want to hear it at first so I stopped but then she questioned if we really found out the night prior. I explained to her that we had a feeling before but we weren't going to tell anyone false information because we were still unsure. She then asked if she was a bitch so I said we all understood why she was upset and that was the end of it."

"I'll send her an owl sometime tomorrow so we can chat." Hermione spoke as Draco nodded. "You could invite her to dinner tomorrow since Harry will be around after Hogsmeade." he suggested.

"Alright, sounds like a plan to me. Thank you for talking to her Draco." Hermione said leaning over to place a kiss on his lips. Draco pulled her in, tugging at her bottom lip with his before pulling away.

"My pleasure love. You know I would do anything for you." It was the most true statement Draco could have made. All day he had been thinking about how to fix it for Hermione. He couldn't stand to see her upset over something especially when it had to do with her bestfriend who was essentially her sister.

Hermione sat up slightly on her arm before something in the distance peaked her interest. It looked like a framing of a house, though only the bottom layout and frame had been done. It was close to the manor, just outside the gardens. "Draco, what's being built over there?"

"Oh, that will be the Zabini Manor. Blaise and I always talked about living close together so we figured might as well have his manor built near our grounds. Should be done by the time we graduate Hogwarts. The contractors said around a month before I believe."

Pointing to the frame with her eyes wide. "Pansy and Blaise will be living right there?"

Draco only nodded as he leaned up against the rails of the balcony pulling Hermione between his legs to rest against his chest.

"Well we obviously can't move now!" Hermione said.

"Love, you are far more important than Zabini moving onto the grounds. You being comfortable is my top priority. You are my top priority." Draco spoke as Hermione got that giddy feeling in her stomach. This man was more than she ever could have asked for. Even after months of being together he never failed to give her those moments of pure awe.

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