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Slowly small stems sprouted and wandered out of the book on Hermione's nightstand spilling onto her bed. The stems had small, light green leaves and tiny curls at the end of each stem. Larger green ones appeared to be coming out as well as the thorns that started clawing their way through the wood on the nightstand.

Vines of ivory spilled onto the bed and covered her white nightstand beside her bed and covering her lamp and her lamp shade. Making it's way up all 4 bedposts and coiling itself around her headboard. Next it found its way to the bookshelves which Hermione spent so much time organizing. Books sprawled across the floor, and a sleeping Hermione in the bed, they never seized to grow.

Then soon to be told the whole room was drenched in ivory vines, making the whole room gloomy instead of it's original white color. Hermione started to stir in her sleep.

She woke up with a startle when the felt something crawling up her leg. When Hermione woke up she found herself on something cold. Looking down she sees it's the floor of Malfoy Manor. She had no idea what to think. It's not everyday you wake up with things pricking you and a crawling sensation on you. Finally she realized that the pricking and crawling was actually someone's wand pricking her as they toyed with her. Hermione started screaming frantically for someone, anyone to help knowing who it was.

" HELP! HELP! PLEASE ANYBODY, SOMEBODY HELP ME!" She screamed at the top of her lungs.

No one was there to help her. Now sobbing, she tried to get off of the floor but it was no use. The more she tried to get out, the more she somehow sunk into the floor. How is this happening?

Finally she realized something, there was a small light coming from the darkness in front of her. Poking out with lumos on their wand, her breathe hitched at the sight of the crooked wand. Right after, out of nowhere, the one and only Bellatrix swiftly stalked towards her swaying side to side slowly picking up her death eaters along the way, until she was eye to eye with Hermione. Hermione screamed at the top of her lungs as loud as her fragile voice could. It was too late, nobody could hear or help her now, she was doomed.

After what seemed like ages of anticipation, Bellatrix took her wand presssing it into her neck, "You think your the brightest witch of your age, huh? Well look at you now, a lonely, filthy little mudblood about to die all alone." Flinching from the word 'mudblood', she started screaming louder than ever, Hermione was terrified. Just as Bellatrix started to cast crucio, Hermione instantly woke up.

When the shaking girl sat up in her bed she was drenched in hot beads of sweat but yet as cold as a piece of ice. Hermione had looked around the room to make sure her eyes weren't deceiving her. Snapping back into reality, she realized Malfoy was standing right next to her with one hand on her shoulder while the other held the side of her head making her face him.

"Bloody hell Granger your screaming nearly gave me a heart attack, are you alright?" said Draco with obvious worry in his voice.

" Yes I am fine, w-what time is it? " croaked out Hermione. She looked around as Draco dropped his arms from her body, before grabbing a spare towel to wipe her face that was now covered in sweat.

" It's around 5:30 in the morning, I heard you screaming and when I came to see what was wrong you were crying in your sleep, I've been trying to wake you for ten minutes." Draco sitting down on the end of the bed.

Steadying her breath, Hermione tried her best to give a small smile at Draco as she put her hair up in a messy bun, " Thank you for waking me up, I was having a nightmare, it's honestly nothing."

Hermione MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now