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The next few days went on without anything happening that was out of the ordinary. All the rounds had gone smoothly and everything was back to how it should be. With the exception of a missing redhead. Over the past couple of days the group had started to realize that they hadn't seen Ron in nearly a week. At this point even Draco was curious as to where the prick had gone.

After a long day of classes, Hermione was finally done ancient runes and was ready to meet Draco at the common room to go over some homework for the next few weeks as they do every friday afternoon.

As Hermione was going up a staircase to get to the seventh floor she felt a tug on her arm as she was dragged into an empty hallway.

"What the hell!" she says before looking and seeing Ron staring at her.

She pulls her arm away as she gets a good look at him. It had been over a week since anyone had seen him and mostly everyone was curious as to why. His hair was as normal as it usually was but he looked so tired. The bags under his eyes weren't hiding from anyone and he was paler than usual.

"Ron...are you okay?" she questioned. "No one has seen you in like a week."

"Don't act like you care Hermione." he said coldly. "I need the ring back. That's the only reason I'm talking to you right now."

She thinks for a second trying to remember where she put the ring but she can't remember.

"I can't really remember I'm sorry. I'll think about it and let you know okay? I really have got to go, I-I'm supposed to be meeting with Draco." she says as she has the feeling that something is off and not right. She walks a few steps back to the staircase before she feels Ron grab her wrist ten times tighter than before.

"No! I need that ring Hermione. You don't understand!" he says as he stares her dead in the eye.

Hermione looking down at her wrist tries to pull away. "Ron, let go! I'll find it!"

Ron lets go before storming up the stairs angrily but on the way up the stairs he smashes into Hermione's shoulder with his own, whether it was intentional Hermione doesn't know, causing Hermione to hit the staircase wall and fall to the floor falling down a few steps in the process. Her books were everywhere so she quickly summoned a spell to get them all in her bag as she holds her shoulder that is now throbbing.

Quickly going up the stairs, she notices that her leg is hurting a lot, particularly the one she had already broken that year. Then her brain switches to where the ring went. She had completely blocked out that whole part of the year. The whole Ron situation was erased from her head because she didn't want it to affect her last year at Hogwarts anymore than it already did. She racked her mind to figure out where she put it but she really couldn't remember.

She finally got to the common room and once she walked in she didn't see Draco, who usually was on the couch waiting for her.

"Draco?" she called out as she put her bag down on the arm chair before going to walk upstairs.

"I'm in my room!" Hermione heard him call out as she was making her way up the stairs, her shoulder hurting even worse now.

On her way in she wondered if she should tell Draco what happened. She knew he would want to go have a talk with Ron and she felt that was not the best idea given the state he was in.

"Why are you up here?" she questioned as she walked up behind him at his mirror and wrapped her arms around his waist.

"We have a last minute quidditch match today. Well both teams actually. McGonagall decided she wants quidditch today so I'm playing Ravenclaw and Gryffindor is going against Hufflepuff. " Draco said as he turned around to hug her.

Hermione MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now