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Hermione had no idea that Ginny would react the way she did to finding out that Hermione knew about the new law. Pansy walked back with her to the common room as Hermione tried to calm down. She already felt horrible from having to keep it from Ginny for one night without even knowing this would happen. They were like sisters, bonded at the hip and did everything together. There hasn't been one time in their friendships they had ever spoken to each other like that or gotten that mad.

"I didn't want to tell anyone over speculation... McGonagall just told us last night in preparation for today... I-" Hermione says choking up again as Pansy holds onto her arm going inside the common room to the couches by the fire.

"I know honey. We all know if you both could have told us you would have." Pansy reassures her as they sit down on the couch closest to the fire. Hermione resting her head on Pansy's shoulder. Although they hadn't been friends long, they also had a bond unlike any others. The two instantly became best friends and too like sisters.

Calming herself down, Hermione wipes away the tears left on her cheeks.

"So this is really happening?" Pansy questions as Hermione sat up to look at her.

"It really is..." Hermione sighs. "I'm assuming you and Zabini will submit each other's names?"

Nodding with a smile Pansy jokes, "Well I hope he puts my name." causing Hermione to giggle. "What about you and Draco?"

"We had talked about it briefly and we both felt the same that we didn't want to lose each other so we're going to put our names in together." Hermione smiles.

Pansy let out a happy sigh, "Good I'm glad. Even though you haven't been together long it's like you two have been together forever. The chemistry is beyond undeniable."

Hermione couldn't help but smile at that. "My parents actually always said that 'when you know you know' no matter how long of a time you spent together or what your timeline looks like."

"I agree, I mean hell I shacked up with Blaise on the first date so our timeline is a bit fucked too." Pansy laughs with Hermione.

Hermione leaned her head back on the couch looking up at the ceiling. "I don't know what I'm going to do about Ginny, will she even come to the manor now?"

Waving a hand, Pansy shook her head. "You two are practically sisters, she'll come around. Now that we'll be going to the manor tomorrow you can write to her or talk it out before the holiday. We have what? 4 days until Christmas eve, so you have time."

"You're right..." Hermione says as Pansy gives her a hug and the Hermione rests her head back on her shoulder looking at the fire.

Walking through the portrait hole, Draco and Blaise walk in to see their girlfriends cuddled up together by the fire and can't help but smile at it before sitting down on the armchair and couch.

"I'm sorry I left." Hermione starts before Draco shakes his head. "Don't be sorry love, I would have come back with you but I stayed to answer some questions and grab Zabini here." he points to Blaise, "Everyone is in an uproar. They're mad not only about the law but that classes are as normal after finding out news like this. Lots have submitted names already."

Nodding over to Pansy, Blaise says, "I would have submitted our names but it requires both of our signatures."

"Okay, we should probably get to Potions now." Pansy says as she stands up and they all walk to the portrait hole.

Pansy and Blaise walk out first before Draco grabs Hermione's wrist, "Not so fast..." pulling her into his chest as he feels her melt into him, wrapping her arms around his torso.

Hermione MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now