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"Just hit me with something!"

"Hermione I am not throwing a spell that will hurt you. End of story." Draco says keeping his voice low to not wake the house.

Hermione and him had been in the ballroom for a while now testing her healing magic as well as his deflecting spells. It has become a nightly occurrence for them to practice together once everyone goes to sleep. It kept Hermione and Draco's mind at ease with all the uncertainty going around.

Hands on her hips she looked at him, "To test our theories we have to make the cuts bigger each time, you know this. Summon a knife in here."

Draco's head whipped to her as he looked at her like she had three heads, "I will not summon a knife to cut y-"

He trailed off as Hermione pointed her wand at her thigh & dragged it as a gaping wound appeared on her thigh.


She gasped slightly, putting her hand down on her thigh as Draco came forward to her side.

Not even thirty second later she pulled up her hand to reveal the still bloody, but healed skin on her thigh.

"It bloody worked. No wand, it worked." She whispered looking at her thigh.

Pointing his index finger at her, she looked at him with her innocent look she always did when he was mad. "Don't pull that again."

"I won't..." she said as she pulled him in for a small kiss, only lingering a moment before saying, "but we should show the others, this could be huge."

"We'll keep practicing you and me more. We'll show them eventually. " He spoke lowly as he wiped her leg with a spare wash rag he had summoned.

Hermione nodded in agreement as he finished cleaning her leg, before calling it a night and heading upstairs.


Draco was the first to wake the next morning, though Hermione was normally the morning bird. Turning his head to the right he could see off the terrace that snow had piled up over night and was falling moderately now.

Listening to the crackling of the fireplace, he looked down at Hermione's head on his chest. He pulled her tight as he placed a kiss on the top of her head, earning a mumble from her.

"Happy Christmas love," she whispered as she rolled on top of him, lying her chest against his as she put her arms under her head, looking up at him.

"Happy Christmas sweetheart." he smiled. Looking at his bedside table to see his watch, he saw the time was 8:30am. "We better start getting ready. Mum is known for her big breakfasts on Christmas promptly at 9am. "

"Oh, well we don't want to be late to that then now do we?" Hermione smiled as she got up and rushed into the closet to pull out an outfit.

"No we do not. However since we'll be in the manor today I am wearing something more casual. The buttons of my shirts are bloody annoying sometimes." Draco spoke out loud as he hopped in the shower hearing Hermione giggle.

Hermione tamed her hair after throwing on some loose wide legged pants with a cozy sweater tucked into the front of the pants.

While in the shower, Draco couldn't stop thinking about the gifts he had gotten for Hermione. The excitement of showing her had been eating at him for days since he placed his orders and gotten the jewelry for her.

Stepping out of the shower he had a small smirk on while he walked to his closet. "What's with the smirk there Malfoy?"

Throwing a short sleeve shirt on, he shook his head. "Oh nothing. "

Hermione MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now