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Lifting up the blanket slowly, Hermione slipped out of the bed careful not to wake up Draco. After wrapping herself in a throw blanket from the couch she slipped out of the room heading downstairs.

The manor at night wasn't nearly as eerie as she thought it would be. There was almost a sense of calm over the manor as the moon lit up the tiles in the kitchen.

Hermione grabbed a glass out of the cupboard, going over to the fridge to fill it with water. Rounding the island she sat on one of the stools admiring the size of the kitchen once more.

As the door to the room opened she turned to see Harry walking in.

"Can't sleep?" Harry questioned grabbing a glass to fill.

"Nope. Ever since I got that letter yesterday I've been trying to solve who's doing this."

Harry took a seat next to her at the island before nodding. "We should tell McGonagall about the letter, see what her input is."

"She's coming for the New Years Ball, we could tell her then." Hermione suggested.

"As long as nothing happens between now and then that should be fine."

Hermione snickered as she rubbed her temples, "Something always has to go wrong doesn't it? I mean what could someone possibly want with us now?"

"I don't know..." Harry started as he sighed, "What I do know is that no matter who is behind this, it's no where as big as what we dealt with during the war and with Voldemort. "

"It just feel awful seeing people hurt at Hogwarts... that first year. " Hermione spoke remembering the incident. "It makes me uneasy that the letter came addressed to me here at the manor with the knowledge all of you were here too. Someone is keeping serious tabs on us."

Grabbing her hand with a squeeze, she took a deep breath. "No matter what this is we have a group stronger than the two of us and we kicked ass just the two of us with and without Ron. We'll do it again especially with everyone we have now. I promise."

A smile formed at her lips as she squeezed his hand back. "You're right. With this crazy marriage law with all this I just wish we could be..."

"Normal." Harry finished for her as she nodded. "We're two people who kick ass, we'll never be normal."

A laugh erupted from Hermione and Harry as they finished their waters. Leaving the kitchen they took in the moonlight in the manor as they went upstairs.

"The manor really is immaculate huh?" Hermione questioned.

"It's unbelievably different than last time we were here. You're moving in here after this year?"

"That's the plan. You and Gin better move close by." Hermione said pointing her finger at him causing him to chuckle.

"You know we will. She can't go more than a day without you." He smiled as they got to the top of the stairs.

Harry shook his head as he looked around. "I never thought in a million years you'd end up with the ferret and we'd all be in this manor again."

"You and me both."

"Gin told me you had a flashback in the ballroom. You gonna be alright here?" Harry questioned with sincerity.

Hermione chuckled lightly at her loud mouth friend. "Don't worry I will be. You know how it is, some things trigger them and some don't. After it happened Draco was ready to buy me a manor right then and there but you know I don't take handouts like that nor would I ever want him to spend that much money on me."

Hermione MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now