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As soon as he saw her falling so fast towards the grass, Draco zoomed down to catch her just in time. After catching her in his arms they both fell off the broom but luckily only by five feet but he could tell Hermione was still hurt considering she was unconscious in his arms. Her leg was bright red which he assumed happened when she fell of the broom, it looks broken.

"No, no, no. Wake up Granger." Draco yelled as he picked Hermione up bridal style and started running to the hospital wing.

"Come on love, please wake up!" he says as he continues sprinting through the halls, extremely happy that everyone is getting laid or whatever they are doing right now but thankfully in dorm rooms.

'This is all my fault. If I had just told her that I like her and I'm falling for her then this wouldn't have happened. I should have had her in front of me so I could have held onto her. Fuck.' he thought to himself as he finally got the the hospital wing.

"Madame Pomfrey! Granger fell and hurt herself can you please help!?" Draco yells as he puts her down on the closest bed to her. She looked so lifeless it killed him.

"Yes let me get something for the pain and to wake her." she says as she runs over to the cabinet. "It looks like her leg is broken and she may have a few broken ribs but nothing else appears to be wrong."

"So she is going to be okay?" Draco asks as he sits next to her on the bed holding her hand up to his mouth and not letting go.

"She will but the recovery for her leg and ribs are going to hurt very much. If when she wakes up she is willing to go back to the common room she can but if she is in too much pain she may have to stay. I am going to set and repair her leg, I have already given her pain medicine and after that we can wake her." Madame Pomfrey says as she starts doing her magic on Hermione's leg and getting come contraption to keep on it that Draco had no idea what it was.

'Oh merlin. Harry and Ginny are going to kill me for letting her get hurt. This is so not good. Not to mention if she has to miss classes Monday she is going to loose her mind but it's already 2 am there was no way her leg would be okay by Monday.' Draco thought not even looking at what Madame Pomfrey was doing, it freaked him out.

"Alright her leg is on the mend she must keep it in the brace though for 24 hours till it is fixed. I can wake her up now if you'd like." she said.

"Yes please..." Draco says.

"Okay here we go." she says as she pours some of this grey liquid into her mouth before Hermione starts to stir and wake up.

"Umph, oww." is all she can get out at first and she atsrts to move her leg before she yells in pain which caused her to wake up fully.

"M-my leg!" she says as she looks at Madame Pomfrey and Draco.

"Dear you broke your leg and two ribs, I've given you all the medicines you need but the brace needs to stay on for 24 hours. I've given you pain medicine but if you are in too much pain, you can stay here tonight." she says to Hermione.

"No I-I want to go back to my common room. Malfoy can help me back... right?" she says as she looks at Draco while she is incessantly nodding her head.

"Of course I can help you back, as long as you feel okay to." he says back.

"I do, I do." she says looking at Madame Pomfrey. She had to go back to the common room so that she could get the secret out of Draco.

"Okay you guys can go but after 24 hours I want you back here so I can see how you've healed." she says to which they both nodded as Draco picked Hermione up again and they started walking towards their common room that was thankfully just above the hospital wing.

Hermione MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now