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The next morning everyone was walking into Hogsmeade when Hermione could tell something was off. McGonagall had said there's no cause for panic as it was parchment so it could have been from someone's school work about a multitude of topics. While the group understood some of them still felt as if something was not right.

Harry spoke up as they all stopped together to see where they wanted to go first. "We really should not be here today."

While some nodded in response, others were on the fence about it.

"McGonagall isn't worried so we shouldn't be either. I mean we have to trust her, plus we are already here Harry." Ginny says making a good point.

"You're right we're already here so we might as well just push it all aside for now." Hermione says giving the group a smile.

"Well we have to get some gifts that you ladies cannot see so we will catch up with you in a bit. Now shoo." Blaise said as he motions for all the girls to walk away.

Rolling their eyes at him the girls set off to the shops they need to go to for the boys gifts.

"Where to first ladies?" Pansy questions. "Quidditch shop?"

"Yes! Plus I want to look around for myself" Ginny says as the girls all laugh at her. She could not resist buying herself quidditch gear.

As they go into the quidditch shop the first thing Hermione spots is the newest broom; the Nimbus 3000.

"Would I be crazy for buying Draco the new broom?" Hermione asked looking at Luna. Pansy and Ginny had already made their way to somewhere in the store where Hermione couldn't see them.

Shaking her head Luna says, "I don't think so, I think he'll love it!"

A wide smile spread across Hermione's face as she went over to the counter to order the broom along with a few other gifts for Harry, Ginny, and Blaise that she grabbed along the way. Draco had told her anything that needed to be sent somewhere to send to his manor and his mother would put it away until the holidays. After sorting it all out she turned around with her bag to find Ginny and Pansy with a few items as well.

"Seems like we had some success here." Pansy says.

"Where should we head next? What about Honeydukes?" Hermione suggests.

All of the girls went wide eyed at the thought of candy so that was an immediate yes. Giggling at everyone's response, Hermione grabbed ahold of her bags as they set off to Honeydukes.

Meanwhile the boys had gone straight to the jewelry store. Draco had known for weeks what he wanted to get Hermione. Planning meticulously how each piece would look like and what it could do.

As they walked in Blaise and Harry were discussing ideas for Ginny and Pansy while Draco went straight to his friend who he knew could help him.

"Ah Mister Malfoy! What a pleasure to have you again." The man behind the counter spoke as he extended his hand to shake.

"The pleasure is all mine Leo. It's good to see you again." Draco smiled. "Now I have a few ideas for enchanted jewelry that I'm hoping we can figure out."

Harry and Blaise turned their heads towards Malfoy at the mention of enchanted jewelry. It was not something you see every day. Most enchanted jewelry was beyond expensive if done correctly. Granted Draco had the money for it, they were both shocked that he wanted multiple pieces for her. Turning away another worker helped Harry and Blaise find what they were looking for as Draco continued with Leo.

"How exciting, I am happy to help sir. Now what we're you thinking?" Leo asks as he starts taking out a small notepad and sketchbook.

Draco pulled out a piece of paper he had brought in his pocket as well to show Leo. Handing it over to him, Leo's eyes widened as he saw the drawing Draco had done.

Hermione MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now