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As Hermione was about to walk into the Great Hall she stopped Harry. She knew that all eyes would be on her as she walked in as word had spread quickly about Draco being hurt and the circumstances. Regardless of how she was yesterday sobbing in the hall going to the Hospital wing she was the head girl. She was picked to be the main role model of the school and in a time like this that person couldn't crumble.

"I need to look alright walking in. I'm still head girl and with everything going crazy around us, I cannot be weak." She starts putting her hair up in a cute ponytail on the top of her head before brushing off her clothes and using her magic to make her face look brighter and lively.

"Mione, everyone understands why you wouldn't be okay."

"They may understand but it doesn't change the fact that when we walk through those doors all eyes will be looking at me and I can't neglect my duties to keep everyone else calm and okay." She knew she could walk in crying and not one person would be surprised but on the other hand she knew she had to be strong for the terrified students who heard about the head boy in critical condition and were scared out of their minds. She knew Draco would want her to be strong so that's what she was going to do.

Pushing the doors open, she walked in with Harry at her side and just as she had expected all eyes shot right to her and the whispers started as she walked in to find her friends sitting at the top of the Gryffindor table. Everyone was took back by her seemingly normal appearance. She walked in with confidence and as Harry and her got to the head of the table to sit, she kept walking.

"Hermione?" Ginny questioned as Hermione gave her a small wave signaling it was okay. She made her way to the front of the room before gesturing to McGonagall if it was okay for her to talk to the students. Earning a nod of approval from the headmistress, she walked up the stairs to the front and tuned around to see everyone staring at her with an array of emotions.

Clearing her throat to get rid of the knot forming she smiled, "Good evening everyone, I wanted to make an announcement of sorts." she paused trying to find the words, "I know some strange and scary things have been happening but I can assure you all that there is no where safer to be than here. Your professors, headmistress, and all prefects will do everything in our power to keep you all safe. We are getting to the bottom of what has been happening and what happened to Mister Malfoy."

A knot instantly formed in her throat as she said his name but she quickly pushed it aside. "A lot of you are worried, rightfully so, about your Head Boy but he will make a full recovery and is healing as we speak. Prefects will be doing rounds while he is on the mend so let's not have too much fun while we are out, yes?" she jokes as all the year levels laughed. "Mister Malfoy and I will be back to giving out detentions in no time so please enjoy your stay here until we leave for the holiday, Hogwarts is your home and you are all safe here." Hermione finished before giving a smile to McGonagall as she mouthed a 'thank you' to Hermione.

Going down the stairs she sat at the table with her friends as they all looked at her in awe. "You are truly incredible Hermione. I cannot believe you just gave a speech like that after the two days we've had." Blaise says to her as she waves her hand.

"I was chosen to be head girl for a reason so I was just doing my job." Truly that is how she thought of it, yes she was absolutely dying on the inside and wanting to go be with Draco but it was her job to make sure these students were safe and felt safe.

"It may be your job but McGonagall gave you time off until Draco wakes up and you decide to make a speech. You're a badass whether you'd like to admit it or not." Ginny says as everyone agrees with her.

"Well thank you everyone. I'm just staying hopeful that he will be awake soon. Madame Pomfrey said within the next 24 hours he should be if he keeps healing well and I have a meeting with McGonagall later this evening so here's to hoping he's able to come." she says as she puts more food in her mouth trying to eat as fast as possible to get out of there.

Hermione MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now