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"There is no bloody way I am hitting you with that spell." Draco sat down on one of the couches rubbing a hand over his face.

"Hit me with the spell, D"

Hermione placed her hands on her hips looking at Draco. "Absolutely not, you're not ready."

"How do we know if we don't try!" Hermione questioned.

Draco only shook his head, remembering the pain that was brought with that spell. "I am not hitting you with sectumsempra. We'll do a smaller spell."

After a minute, Hermione nodded, "Well come over, we'll try a new spot."

Hermione sat down on the ground as Draco came over. Lying down, Draco gave her a look. "I hate doing this to you."

"It's an experiment is all. I'm okay, promise." Hermione spoke giving him a reassuring kiss.

Waving his wand, Draco created three cuts on Hermione's stomach with a small one on her arm.

A small whimper left Hermione as she placed her hand onto her stomach. "Ah," she yelled as blood started to appear on her shirt, enough to make Draco start to worry.

After a minute, Hermione pulled her hand away from her stomach and touched her arm healing that cut much quicker than her stomach.

"The stomach is bloody harder." Hermione sighed as Draco waved his wand cleaning her and the floor around her of all the blood.

"I bet. Brilliant job love." Draco smiled as he helped her off the floor. "However if you are so adamant on wanting sectumsepra used on you then you have to ask Potter. I can't do that to you."

"We'll tell everyone tomorrow and see if he'll do it. It's about time we told everyone." Hermione nodded.

"I really don't think that's a good idea..." Draco trailed off as they closed the ballroom doors to head to bed.


The next morning came quickly as everyone met in the kitchen to go shopping for their New Years Ball outfits.

"I am so excited to try on dresses today!" Ginny exclaimed. "It'll be like when we went looking for the yule ball but better."

"Me too!" Luna exclaimed as they all grabbed their coats.

"Alright, We'll all aparate and meet at Madam Malkins." Draco said as he grabbed onto Hermione's hand.

The room twisted as they all aparated to outside of the shop. Hermione pushed the door open as Madame Malkins herself greeted them.

"Hello dears! Mister Malfoy, I have two separate spaces for you all just around the back."

"Wonderful, thank you Madame." Draco smiled as she ushered them into the back.

"Now boys this way," she pointed to the left door before pointing to the right door, "Girls over here! In each you'll find loads of dresses, dress robes, and anything else you may need."

"Thank you Madame," Ginny said as she pushed open the door and the groups filtered in.

The girls were in pure shock at the gowns that lined the walls opposite the dressing rooms.

"Bloody hell..." Hermione whispered as Pansy said, "Merlin, I love Madame Malkin"

"Now what's complicated is making sure the boys match us..." Ginny thought out loud as they started pulling dresses to try on.

Hermione MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now