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The ball was in just a few hours as Hermione rummaged through the closet grabbing her dress and getting ready necessities.

"Can't you get ready in here?" Draco questioned. Hermione chuckled grabbing her makeup bag.

"No... us girls are getting ready together in Pansy's room." Draco scowled as he pulled her into his arms.

Hermione rolled her eyes as Draco fisted the base of her hair, pulling her head back to plant a rough kiss on her lips. "Uh uh, you are not tempting me to stay like this."

Draco groaned as she jogged towards the door. "See you later!" Hermione called out before the door shut.

Hours went by as the house bustled with workers getting everything set for the ball. The girls watched out the windows at the garden being set for the night.

"Merlin, I do not think I am ready for what tonight entails." Hermione muttered.

Across the room, Pansy hoisted her dress up as she turned to Luna. "Will you zip me in Luna?" Pansy asked over he shoulder before looking at Hermione through the mirror. "I would say it's not bad at all however Draco has to greet every single wizard who comes tonight meaning you will too."

Hermione groaned before a knock came at the door. She walked over shaking her head, "How many times do we have to tell you boys, no coming in!" Hermione yelled yanking the door open.

Narcissa stood in the doorway as Hermione's hands flew over her mouth. "Narcissa I am so sorry! We thought it was the boys trying to come in again."

Smiling at a flustered Hermione, Narcissa waved a hand. "No worries darling. They were outside the door when I came over. Do you mind if I come in?"

Hermione stepped aside letting her in, "No not at all, come in."

"Don't you girls look beautiful!" Narcissa smiled bringing her hand up to her chest.

'Thank you's chorused through the room as Hermione looked around for her heels. "I was about to put on my gown, give me one moment?"

Narcissa nods, walking over to Pansy. Hermione closed the closet door behind her before slipping on her gown and gloves. She carefully put her ring on the shelf while fixing her gloves before putting her ring back on over the glove.

As Hermione opens the door to the closet, Pansy pushes past her to get dressed. Turning to where she left Narcissa she sees a box in her hands.

"I have something for you dear." Narcissa spoke as Hermione looked at her questioningly. "I wanted you to wear this tonight for the ball. It was an heirloom that was supposed to be destroyed centuries ago but somehow made it all these years. Two of our ancestors who were the first to be banished from our lineage owned these." She opened the box to show Hermione a necklace laced with emeralds and matching earrings. "Our ancestors who owned these had our same philosophy on life and as a result were exiled from the family. When the others found out blood status wasn't important to them, they were banished forever but somehow someone never destroyed these pieces... I figured if there was any family heirloom that would be one you'd be comfortable wearing, it'd be this one for what it signifies. "

Hermione looked at the emeralds shine in the light almost as much in the small tears forming in Narcissa's eyes. "I would be... honored to wear it Narcissa." she spoke lightly as narcissa let out a sharp breathe, pulling Hermione into an embrace.

Pulling away with a smile, Narcissa took the necklace from the box and fastined it around her neck as Hermione put in the earrings. "Gods... Draco is going to be speechless."

Hermione MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now