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Birds chirping is the first thing Hermione hears as she wakes up the next morning. As she opens her eyes she sees Draco sleeping peacefully next to her as she is in his arms. She can feel their skin touching as they are both almost naked so she slightly pulls away from him and moved her body a bit in the process.

"Remembering what happened last night love?" Draco says as he feels her shift in his arms.

Hermione instantly blushes and replies, "Maybe..." as Draco just chuckles to himself.

Draco pulls Hermione in closer towards his body as he rests his head on top of hers.

"I still remember every second of it..." Draco says as he trails his hand down her spine towards her arse.

Hermione slightly leans into him as he trails his hand down before she hits his chest.

"Draco Malfoy it is 7:30 am!" she exclaims as gets out of bed and goes over to a chair with a few articles of clothing on it. She grabs one of Draco's white button downs and puts it on but not before Draco can make a comment.

"How can you expect me to resist you when you look like that." he says as he admires her body and her with his button up shirt on.

Hermione giggles as she brushes her hair in the mirror. She can see not only Draco staring at her body but also she can see how good he looks in this moment. He was leaning against the headboard with his arms behind his head, showing off his muscles and abs for Hermione to see.

"Draco can we just stay in the common room for today?" Hermione asks.

"Hermione Granger wants to skip classes?" Draco says confused.

With a smirk on her face she says, "Yes..." as she starts to walk over to the bed. "I also changed my mind."

Confused Draco asks, "About what?" to which Hermione responds, "About not wanting to do some things..."

Slowly Hermione made her way on top of Draco so that she was straddling him with her hands on the headboard next to him. With that Draco slowly started to undo the buttons on her shirt.


"Draco did you already do the astronomy homework for next week?" Hermione asks as she is making breakfast for the two. She is wearing Draco's white button down once again with a messy bun. Draco on the contrary only had pants on.

"I did. I finished everything for the next two weeks I believe." Draco says as he starts to walk over to her.

"Alright, I have to so maybe I won't work on anything else today." Hermione says as she flips their pancakes.

"So why exactly did you want to skip classes today?" Draco asked as he bit into his green apple, making Hermione laugh at how obsessed he was with them.

As she continues to flip the pancakes she answers, "I already have my work done, and honesty I sort of just wanted a day the two of us without anything crazy happening or with classes. Just a day the two of us relaxing and being together."

"You know I will always take a day just the two of us... unless you're being annoying." Draco says as Hermione whips around to give him a death glare.

"Annoying? When am I annoying? I think you are the annoying one here Mister Malfoy" Hermione retorts.

"Oh It's Mister Malfoy now?" he questions as he smirks, "I'm only joking Granger. You know I'll always take a day alone with you. Anything to make you happy."

Knowing that was the right answer because Hermione smiled & turned back around to finish breakfast, he smiled to himself at the not only loving but spitfire of a girlfriend he had. Always keeping him in his place but since it was Hermione it was alright with him.

Hermione MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now