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Getting ready for dinner, Hermione was lying on the couch in the master bedroom while Draco finished changing.

They had spent the rest of the day with Pansy and Blaise getting used to the break and Hermione getting used to the manor. Though she didn't think she'd ever get over it, the mansion was slowly becoming home.

"I'm a bit nervous to talk to Ginny." Hermione spoke up as Draco finished doing his belt buckle.

Walking into the main room where Hermione was, Draco knelt down to her level. "It'll all go well love, you have the buffer of dinner after in case there's any wariness."

Hermione hummed in agreement. "I can't believe the manor is so big."

"You'll get used to it.." he laughed, "If we stay here." he added quickly after.

Hermione snapped her head to him. "I told you D, we'd make it work. This is your home and Zabini is building his next door. I am not letting you buy me a whole new manor."

"You are more important than all of that... do you not remember your panic attack because I bloody do every time we have this conversation." Draco exclaimed as he shook his head.

Hermione sat upon the edge of the couch so that Draco was in front of her. Leaning forward she grabbed both sides of his face with her hands, his hands grabbing her elbows. "I want to live here, okay?"

"Okay," he whispered as Hermione pressed her lips against his gently. "Plus think about how easy it'll be for our kids to go to Pansy's and then all of them can play together." She says as Draco smirks at her.

"Thinking about our kids now are we?" he questioned smiling as Hermione's cheeks instantly went red, her mouth agape.

"I-I mean..." She stuttered as Draco chuckled planting a kiss on her lips. "I like you talking about our kids. I'm only messing with you love."

Rolling her eyes slightly before growing a smile of her own she grabbed his hand to go downstairs.

The pair exit the bedroom and start down the stairs before Hermione sees Harry and Ginny talking to Blaise and Pansy in the foyer.

Nerves wracked Hermione as they arrived at the bottom of the stairs. They stop at the bottom when their friends walk up to them saying hello's before Draco turned to Harry. "Why don't we give you a tour of the manor? We've changed a lot. "

"Yes, yes lead the way." Harry says as Pansy and Blaise follow Draco.

Hermione took a seat on the last step as Ginny sat down next to her, both knowing the reason the boys left them alone.

"You want to talk this out?" Hermione asked as Ginny turned to her.

"Sure. I don't know what came over me and I am so sorry. We've never blown up at each other like that and I shouldn't have spoken to you like that. I was just surprised and hurt that you knew before me but I- I understand why you couldn't tell me." Ginny let out as she grabbed Hermione's hand.

Giving it a squeeze, Hermione looked down at their hands before looking back up at her. "You know if I could have told you that night I would have. We had no evidence before McGonagall told us. This is already a shit show so I don't blame you for your reaction at all. Yes, I was upset when it happened but I see your side. I'm sorry Gin. "

Ginny sighed before reaching over and wrapping her arms around Hermione. The two stayed there while Ginny took in the manor around them. "It's amazing here."

Letting go, Hermione looked around before nodding. "It is. I'm slowly getting used to it. Last night I woke up a few times just from being in a new place but it's been good. Come on let's go find the rest of them so you can see the house."

Hermione MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now