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*Tap tap tap*

Hermione hears as she slowly opens her eyes looking over at window to see a beautiful grey owl pecking at the window. Turning over she realized she was still in his arms from the night before, but not one bit of her minded.

While he was still asleep she took a second to just relax in his arms and look at him when he wasn't blabbering on about how he thinks he is smarter than her or some other rubbish. Although he had a very attractive face his eyes are what she liked the most. The gray eyes that she could just stare into for hours, there was something mesmerizing about them. Not to mention his hair, it looked so soft she just wanted to run her hands through. 'Oh Merlin' she thought... 'I think I'm falling for him. He always seems to make things better, he's helped me with everything that had to do with Ron, he listens and cares about me,' she thought before realizing the biggest thing yet. She slept in his arms the whole night and for one of the first nights since the war... she had no nightmares. Just then she heard the owl tapping again.

*Tap tap tap*

"Malfoy..." she said as she lightly tapped his chest.

"Hmm?" was all he got out in response.

"There's an owl tapping at your window," she says as he slowly opens her eyes.

As he opens them he looks into her eyes and gives a small smile which she returns. "Whoever is interrupting this moment is going to get a beating." he says as Hermione starts to sit up and Draco unwraps his arms before walking over to the window and taking the note and giving it a treat.

To my Draco,

I hope you are well dear and headboy is everything you hoped it'd be.

Will you join me for lunch next week on Thursday at the Three Broomsticks, 2 pm?

Love, Mother

"Who's it from?" Hermione questions.

"My mother, she wants to meet for lunch next week..." he says as he walks towards his closet taking his shirt off in the process which immediately invokes a blush from Hermione.

With a turn of his head he sends a smirk at her as she says, "You couldn't wait till you were IN the closet to take it off?"

"You know you like the sight!" he yells from inside the closet.

"Piss off!" she yells back laughing.

"Not to ruin the moment or anything but you know we should probably find Ginny and Harry and tell them about what happened yesterday before you went missing." he says as he walks out dressed and sees her sitting on the bed looking down. "Most the schools heard but I'm sure you want to talk to them."

Draco walks over and sits next to her while wrapping one of his arms around her. "Hey... what's going on?" he says seeing her looking down.

"I just... I almost forgot for a bit what happened. It's going to be all over the school, I was screaming at him so loud...I'm head girl I shouldn't have yelled." she says choking up.

"Hey hey hey..." he says as he hugs her before saying, "If you need company I'll stay with you all day. Anyone who stares at you I'll deal with. I am an ex-death eater don't forget" he says trying to make her smile.

Pulling away to look at him, wiping the few tears she had she chuckles, "Can you tell Blaise and Pansy, I don't want to have to tell what happened a million times. I'll tell Harry and Ginny alone. We can meet up after?"

"I'll go talk to them for sure however they were on the pitch so they heard it all." he says as she nods.

"Merlin...okay I'll see you after."

Hermione MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now