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The room slowly came into focus as Hermione looked down at her stomach to see Crookshanks curling up in a ball on her. Smiling, she ran a hand over his untamed fur as she looked out the window at the fluffy snow falling from the sky.

"Why is he on the bed?"

Crookshanks meowed at Draco before jumping down and going over to the windowsill admiring the snow. Hermione giggled as she rolled over to lay her chin on his chest. "Happy Christmas Eve."

"Happy Christmas Eve," he whispered back, placing a small kiss on her head.

Getting up from the bed, Hermione made her way over to the bathroom to get ready for the day. "Are you excited to meet my parents?"

"Excited yes, nervous very." He said as he made his way into the closet. He threw on a simple green button down with his normal black slacks paired with black dress shoes and his favorite silver watch.

"It'll go well Draco. They have been talking about you for weeks now.They can't wait to meet you."

Making his way inside the bathroom he looked at Hermione wearing a long fitted black dress with a green sheer shawl to cover. "If they're anything like you then I'm sure I'll love them."

Hermione smiled at him through the mirror. Draco went and took a seat by the fire as she finished her makeup.

The two made their way downstairs to Pansy and Blaise sitting at the kitchen island reading the Daily Prophet.

"Oi, you're going to want to see this Granger." Blaise said as he motioned to the Daily Prophet.
Walking over to him, Hermione grabbed the newspaper out of his hands while Draco poured them some coffee.

Hermione scanned over the page before seeing the headline under Rita Skeeters column.

Hermione Granger who reportedly obliviated her parents, leaves them again to be head girl at Hogwarts with Ex-Deatheater Draco Malfoy! Sources have confirmed Malfoy is in fact dating the muggleborn! How will this bode for their jobs?

"This witch!"

Pansy pulled the paper from her hands as she passed it over to Draco who had just sat the coffee and food in front of Hermione. "We all know it's rubbish 'Mione."

"Not really, they hit it right on the mark." she said as she sipped her coffee. "Rubbish that Rita felt the need to exploit that information but it is true."

Draco put the paper down on the island, "How the bloody hell did she even find any of this out?"

"I have no idea, she obviously is friends with someone in the school. So what exactly are your guy's plans for today?" Pansy asked.

"We'll be going to her parents in a bit for a few hours and we should be back just past mid-day maybe a tad later." Draco replied. "Give gifts, eat some lunch..."

Blaise pointed his fork at his mouth, "The dentists right?" as Draco nodded.

Hermione let out a laugh, "Why are dentists so bizarre to you all?"

"What exactly do they do again?" Pansy asked.

"Couldn't tell you." Draco said.

"They clean muggles' teeth and make sure they are healthy." Hermione said as they all cringed.

"Gross." Pansy said, causing laughs around the table.

A peck at the window caught their attention. Draco's owl held a small parchment, waiting for their treat from Hermione. She walked over to retrieve the letter before walking back over. "It's from Harry. He says they should be over by mid-day tomorrow."

Hermione MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now