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After a few days of classes and getting into the normal swing of things Hermione is finally starting to feel like herself and is loving being back at Hogwarts. The late nights at the library was something she dreamed about during the war so most nights she would go to the library even if it wasn't to study, although most nights it was, just to be in the environment again. Harry joined in as well.

While Draco and Hermione are walking to Potions she can't help but think about how close they have gotten over such a short period of time. Never did she ever think that she would be friends with the Draco Malfoy never mind close friends or even sharing a common room together. Surprisingly it seemed to be working. She had always dreamed of being head girl and mostly hoped Harry would be head boy but this situation turned out better than she could have ever imagined.

"So how are you and your precious won won doing?" Draco looks down at her noticing the slight frown on her lips from the question.

"Not really that well. I figured our break meant maybe we would have time to be alone but that we would still talk to each other. I haven't heard from him in a few days actually, he has been so distant lately I have no idea what is going on with him. I understand everyone is going through their own struggles from everything that happened but I can't stand the way he acts towards me." Hermione says as she looks up at him.

"I'm sorry Granger." Thinking it over a moment about how much of an arse Ron is he had a thought. "I have an idea." Draco says as he pulls her into a little nook no one can see them in near the potions room.

Hermione looks at him confused before he says, "Okay so you want to know what is really going on with him right?" She nods before he continues. "Why don't we try and use veritaserum on him or that spell to get into his head you know? See what is really going on inside his head. "

"That's crazy. I could never go into his head like that and where would we even get that?" She says back shocked but thinking in her head that it actually is a pretty good idea but she would not make his ego bigger.

"You can go to Slughorn after class and ask him some questions about if its in the school or not, you're the smartest girl in the school he won't even think anything of it. He will just think you're curious."

"I mean that is a good idea. Can we get in trouble for giving that to him? "

"Not unless anyone finds out, C'mon Granger this is the perfect way to figure out what is going on with him. I can't stand to see you upset over an arse like this any longer, you deserve better and the truth." Draco says looking into her eyes.

There was something about the way he spoke to her she couldn't help but get butterfly's from, he was always so sweet to her and so genuine. It terrified her but was intriguing.

"Okay, I'll talk to Slughorn after class and see if there is none in the school how long it takes to brew it. I've only ever helps Harry brew it but every time it took a different amount of time depending on where we did it. I'll look into it but i'm not saying yes right now... thank you for the idea."

"Of course, alright let's get to class." He says as they walk back towards the room.

"I think we are brewing something good today!" Hermione says excitedly as they walk into the room and go to their separate seats with their partners.

As Blaise is stirring their potion, Hermione is looking around the room when she sees Ron cutting his ingredients wrong. She giggles as that is pretty normal for Ron but as she is Lavender noticing him doing it wrong grabs the knife from him and he instantly flinches from her touch and looks directly at Hermione. They make eye contact before Hermione breaks it and looks back at her own potion before wondering what the hell just happened. 'What the hell is going on with them? With him?' She wonders.  She looks towards Draco he gives her a smile and she can't help but give one back.

Hermione MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now