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Rain pounded down on the ceiling as Ron paced back and forth. "I don't want anyone or any more animals to die." The words venomous that came out of Ron's mouth.

The Cloaked Figure stayed sitting down across the room un-phased by the tone of Ron Weasley. "You aren't doing what I need you to. You know I hate waiting."

Ron stopped in his tracks when the cloaked figure said that. Turning to face them he yelled, "I got you the book you needed!"

"You know what I need!" The cloaked figure yelled as Ron flinched. "You know what I need and I need it before christmas..." The cloaked figure stood up and walked towards Ron. As they approached him, they ran their wand along his neck.

"Hogwarts is on full security... there isn't much I can do right now." Ron said plainly looking up at the ceiling as the wand stayed put on his neck.

"You will or the one you love the most dies... and you know exactly what spell I'll use." The figure said as they pulled their wand back into their pocket. "You have till christmas..." was the last thing they said before walking out into the dark alley and disappearing.


The Great Hall was silent as McGonagall made her announcements to the school. " As for the Hogsmead trip that was scheduled for this weekend we are moving it to right before the holidays. December 16th will be the trip." the Headmistress says as everyone in the Great Hall groans.

"She can't be serious! It's the first trip of the year!" Pansy says frustrated.

"There's not much she can do until all of this shit dies down." Draco said back to her as he looked at Hermione. "Looks like Christmas shopping will have to be postponed a bit love."

Putting her hand in his she nods her head, "It's a shame but I think McGonagall is right. It's best to be on the safe side." she says as he nods. "Plus it gives me more time to figure out what I'm getting your mum."

"Does Headmistress seem a bit on edge to you guys?" Ginny asks as they all look at McGonagall. She did seem on edge in fact she was whispering with the other professors before getting ready to speak again but the look on her face was nothing they had seen before.

"She does... it's probably just the whole Cloaked Figure situation. Plus she doesn't want to scare any of the younger year levels more than they already are." Hermione explains. "I heard them talking in the halls and after the first year had that spell cast on her they're all worried."

"I agree with Hermione. Her stress is probably just high." Harry agrees as they hear the Headmistress start to talk again.

"Before the trip we need your slips signed by parents so please get them to the Head Prefects or Professors as soon as possible. I don't want any of you to be scared or worried being in the castle. Our school is safe and well protected and as long as everyone abides by the new rules then everything will be well. We need you all to be well prepared for the obstacles that are to come in these next few months about your future." McGonagall finishes as she realizes what she has said. "That will be all besides the announcement that Quidditch will resume after the weekend, enjoy your dinner and head back to the common rooms!" she says as she flashes a quick smile.

"What was that supposed to mean?!" Ginny says, " What did she mean by 'obstacles to come in the next few months about our future'?"

Giving Draco a look that said 'I told you so' Hermione turned to her friends again, "I have no idea but there is definitely something going on that we don't know about yet... I don't buy this stress thing anymore."

"What could they be keeping from us that's such a big deal?" Blaise asks. "If it was that big why would they be waiting to release the information?"

"My guess is something with the Ministry." Harry says back as he looks at Ginny. "Tomorrow is the holiday anyways so we can ask Arthur and Molly if they know anything. But if it's about our future, whatever that means, I'm not sure they'd tell him given he has kids it affects."

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