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"Pansy's bags are bloody heavy, did Granger pack light?" Blaise questioned as he turned to look at Draco. Blaise was indeed struggling to carry his trunk with all five of Pansy's bags. Hermione only chuckled at them while he could hear them conversing. Draco was very adamant on carrying Hermione's one small trunk she was bringing.

"Well I mean she only packed this small trunk," Draco shrugged at him.

Stopping in her tracks, Hermione waved her hand making the bags and trunks Blaise was carrying float next to him. "You both know you could have used magic to carry them correct?"

Looking at each other before looking down they both scowled as the two girls snickered at them. They were on their way to the DADA classroom to use the floo network to get to Hogsmeade since Draco had to pick something up before they went to the manor. It worked out perfectly this way so that the could apparate to the manor as opposed to using the floo network a second time.

"What exactly is it you have to pick up?" Hermione asked as they arrived at the classroom, making their way up to the office fireplace. When she had asked earlier Draco got flustered and wouldn't answer but she was too suspicious to not pry.

Setting their trunks and bags down in the fireplace first Draco grabbed her hand, pulling her in. "I told you it's nothing special. I... forgot my ring there last time we went is all."

Hermione didn't buy it but she dropped it after looking at Pansy and seeing her shrug. "Well see you guys in a minute." Hermione said as Draco slammed the powder down mumbling, "Madame Rosmerta's".

While they all hated the floo network it was an easy way to travel, messy for sure but easy. Standing up, Draco and Hermione wiped off their clothes and grabbed their bags moving out of the way for Blaise and Pansy to come in.

Not even a minute later, the two came shooting out with Pansy's bags following suit hitting Blaise in the back of the head. They all erupted into laughter as Blaise rubbed the back of his head. Sending them a scowl, they all covered their mouths looking in another direction trying to contain their laughter before even Blaise himself couldn't keep it in.

"I hate these bloody bags." he mumbled as Draco helped him up. "Thanks mate, now let's head out."

The four walked out of the building with their bags following suit saying hi to Madame Rosmerta on their way out before sitting down on a bench just outside. Their bags all fell gently next to them as Draco looked at his watch. "Alright I am going to run and see Leo for my ring. Should only take about five minutes then we can go to the manor."

The three nodded as Hermione leaned her head on Blaise's shoulder. "Tired Mione?"

A huge yawn came out of Hermione's mouth as she giggled. "A bit, the nerves are starting to hit me." she admitted.

"It'll be okay the manor is so different now. Plus Draco plans on making this better for you in any way possible and, his words not mine, "An extraordinary holiday she will never forget," whatever that means." Pansy laughs as Hermione gives her a look.

"He said that?"

"Mhm, earlier when he came to get us before you were done getting ready he said so." Blaise recalls as he nods to Draco coming back over. "Do not tell him we said that." Hermione smirked up at Draco putting his ring back on his finger.

"What is that smirk for?" he pointed at Hermione as she put her hands up. "Nothing, nothing just happy you're back is all." she said giving him a small kiss before grabbing his hand to apparate.

In a split second they were all standing in front of Malfoy Manor. Summoning the charm again, all their bags started floating behind them as Draco pulled her forward, her hand in his.

Hermione MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now