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"No all I am saying is that there is always one person who wears the pants in the relationship!" Blaise says as Pansy is giving him a death glare.

"Then in that case I think I wear the pants!" Pansy says as she rolls her eyes at Blaise, while everyone laughs.

"I definitely wear the pants in our relationship Harry." Ginny says simply as Hermione and her laugh.

Giving her a look Harry responds, "I suppose you do Gin. Plus you'll hex me into next week if I don't agree."

"Point proven!" Ginny laughs.

"I definitely think Hermione wears the pants." Ginny says as Hermione giggles.

"No way, It's definitely Draco..." Blaise says as they all laugh.

Looking over at Draco, Harry says, "Has Hermione yelled at you yet?"

"I'm not scared of Hermione..." Draco says.

"So that's a no. In that case, Hermione wears them." Harry says as he smiles at Hermione.

Draco scowls as Hermione and everyone else laughs as they continue their conversations about the day and plans.

"Draco what exactly did you get us?" Pansy questions.

"Only some wine, and butterbeer." he responds.

All the girls got excited at the thought of a girls night in just relaxing and talking to each other. They were all talking as Hermione leaned over to talk to just Draco.

"So where are you sleeping tonight?" she questioned.

"In our room, there's no way in hell I'm sleeping in the Slytherin tower with Blaise again." he says as he chuckled.

Our? Hermione thought to herself as she got butterflys in her stomach and a smile on her face.

"It's our room now?" she questions as he smirks slightly.

He chuckles before saying, "I would say it's our room now considering you sleep in my room every single night love. Your room is basically crookshanks now. Unless you have a problem with it being our room?"

They both laughed at that because Hermione knew it was true that crookshanks had taken over her room.

"I like the thought of it being our room..." she said as she bit her lip unknowingly.

"You know the more you bite your lip like that... the more I want to take all those clothes off and have my way with you." he said, the last part being just above a whisper in her ear so no one else would hear.

Hermione instantly got those butterfly's in her stomach as in other places as she smirked at Draco.

"I wasn't doing it on purpose, although maybe I will now..." she said as she sent him a smirk.

"Oh you think you can tease me Granger? Consider the game started, and I can assure you... I'll win." he said as you whispered in her ear so that he could slightly bite that spot behind her ear that he knew drove her crazy.

Pulling away and seeing that he got her going, Draco sent her a smirk of his own.

"Game on Malfoy." Hermione said as they all looked up at the Owls flying in.

Draco's owl flew in before immediately flying out. Almost too fast, considering his owl always waits for the treats Hermione has. She noticed that Harry's new owl, Twila, did the same thing.

"Why did your guys' owl fly out so quick? They both usually wait for their treats..." Hermione said.

Harry looking skeptical as well said, "I know, maybe they needed to go get other mail I suppose?"

Hermione MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now