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Madame Pomfrey was rushing them all to the hospital wing faster than anyone could have imagined. Everyone in the halls of Hogwarts instantly moved aside as they saw her coming with Draco on a stretcher and Ginny holding a sobbing Hermione.

Once they got to the hospital wing she used her magic to get Draco onto one of the first beds they saw. Madame Pomfrey pulled the curtain almost all the way around before looking at Hermione who was holding Draco's hand with both of hers. "My dear you need to leave so I can assess his injuries. As soon as I know how bad it is, you can come back in."

Hermione looked at her with an unrecognizable expression. One filled with hurt, disappointment, and fear. "N-no I can't leave him. " she whispered.

"My dear you have to," quickly getting everything, she starts to gather her materials giving Ginny a look to get Hermione out.

Ginny walked over to where Hermione was and started to move her away when Hermione snapped. "NO i'm not leaving him, he wouldn't leave me.." she said starting to get flustered at Ginny moved her out of the way for the nurse as she closed the curtain to start tending to him.

Harry walked over and held onto Hermione, "Mione, Madame Pomfrey has him, she won't let anything happen. Come on.." he said gently as Hermione shook her head. Crashing into Harry's chest Hermione sobbed as he held her. Everyone in the room had tears in their eyes at not only their friend that was in critical condition but from the gut wrenching sobs coming from Hermione.

The fear of the unknown was terrifying to Hermione and not being able to be there for him made it worse. No matter what she thought of, she couldn't get the thought and feeling of him going completely lifeless in her arms out of her head. It made her sick to her stomach to even process. She held onto Harry tighter than ever for an excruciatingly long time until Madame Pomfrey came out from the curtain.

"Miss Granger..." Madame Pomfrey spoke as Hermione practically jumped out of Harry's arms to go see her. Pansy and Blaise right behind Hermione placing a hand on her for comfort.  "He's stable now. The ribs he had hurt previously got re-injured... badly." she started as Hermione breath hitched as Pansy grabbed her hand.

"Four of the ribs are broken and one was puncturing his heart. I fixed it but from now on he is going to have to be extremely cautious when he wakes up until we know he is fully healed. He does have some head trauma so when he eventually wakes up we will have to see how he is." explaining slowly so they can understand the severity.

"H-he'll remember everything right? The head trauma won't affect his memory?" Hermione asks lowly as she looks from Draco to Madame Pomfrey.

"We cannot be sure until he wakes up. That could be now or in a few days, whenever he is ready to." Madame Pomfrey looks sat her with a sorrow face, "I'll give you a minute my dear."

Breaking down again Hermione says, "Oh my god... oh god..." at the thought of Draco not remembering merlins knows how much. What if he forgot about their relationship?

Pansy and Blaise gave Hermione a hug while reassuring her. "It's all going to be okay." Pansy says. "We'll get through it together."

As Hermione looks up at Ginny sobbing to Harry, she sees Ron walk in behind them with Lavender. Covering his seemingly broken nose with a rag he looks around for Madame Pomfrey. Hermione's emotions getting the best of her she goes over and pins Lavender up against the wall with her wand underneath Lavenders chin.

"What the fuck did the cloaked figure want with you?!" she demands as Lavender looks around for someone to help her. No one knew what to do, no one had ever seen Hermione in this state.

Twisting her wand against Lavenders skin, Lavender quickly says, "I-I don't know what they wanted with me, they just attacked me out of no where."

"Bullshit!" Hermione yelled at her as Ginny walked over.

Hermione MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now