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The head prefects sat in McGonagall's office anxiously awaiting news that could potentially change their lives forever while she gathered her parchment that had what they assumed to be the new law on it. It was late and they could tell that the HeadMistress was not only tired but anxious by the way she scurried to get everything together. The pair knowing how she felt having been sleeping in the hospital wing that past night, not knowing what the future holds having anxiety in their own way.

What felt like a century later, she finally spoke looking at the two with an unreadable expression. "Firstly because of what happened to you Mister Malfoy, we will be starting break sooner than anticipated. Tomorrow after the announcement at breakfast will be the last day of classes and students will go home the following day. It's only an extra two days but for now I feel it is in everyone's best interest."

The pair nodded in agreement before seeing McGonagall take a big sigh to continue.

"I wasn't you both to know that this is all the ministry's doing not us here at Hogwarts..."

McGonagall paused before Draco questioned her, "Professor?"

"I need to tell the two of you about the new law first because I need you two to help calm the students during tomorrow's announcement. The Ministry feels that he Wizarding World took too much of a hit during the war and they want and need new families to be built. Because of this they have instilled a marriage law that affects all students in their 7th or 8th year and anyone not in any wizarding school above that age that is unmarried. By Valentine's day everyone must have submitted a partners name or else someone at random will be chosen for them anywhere from the wizarding world. Exactly a year after graduating from Hogwarts there must be a wedding or else you are at risk of losing your magic." McGonagall finishes putting down the parchment to look at the two.

Silence filled the room as Draco and Hermione processed everything they had just heard.

Hermione shaking her head finally broke the silence, "Professor I understand why they are doing this, but this is bloody insane. How can they force something like this upon us?"

"I know Miss Granger, I wish I had an answer for you and I wish I could change it. I tried to change it but the Ministry needs to know the Wizarding World is under repair and this is how they've deemed fit."

"What do you need us to do tomorrow? Obviously no one will agree with this but how do we help?" Draco asks.

"I need you two helping on calming the students down and if anyone chooses to submit a name tomorrow morning to collect the slips that will be given out. I trust you both will keep this to yourselves until the morning, I do not need anyone finding out before the announcement." The Head Mistress says with a hard tone to show the gravity of the situation.

Both Draco and Hermione nodded to that, knowing they'd have to avoid Harry and Ginny in the common room.

"Thank you both. That is all, rest up before tomorrow." McGonagall says as she gives a nod for them to leave.

The pair get up and head towards the door before Hermione turns to her.

"We might not agree with it Head Mistress but we know if you could change the law, you would. Goodnight."

Exchanging eye contact with Draco, they remember back to the night they heard McGonagall fighting to end the law and not have it pass. Turning back to the door they exit and make their way to the common room praying they wouldn't see Ginny or Harry.

Upon entering, no one was out so they rushed to the room before shutting the door.

"Well we were right..." Hermione says as she put her pajamas before climbing into bed.

Hermione MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now