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Knocking on the door twice before opening it a crack, Hermione pops her head into the bathroom, "Love I'm coming in to do my hair is that alright?" she asked knowing Draco was in the shower.

"Go ahead, I'm almost done in here." Draco replies.

Hermione opened the door and closed it behind her  before walking over to the counter. Grabbing her makeup and hairbrush she started to get ready. Although it was only 7:30 in the morning, they had all decided the night before to meet around 9 to go to the Weasley's.

"You know, I don't swallow my pride much... however I will admit this once that I'm a bit nervous for today." Draco spoke up as he continued to wash his hair.

Brushing through her morning hair Hermione grabbed a towel to put on the rack for Draco, "Don't be, everyone is excited to meet you Draco."

"They're practically your second family with loads of brothers who will want to know my intentions with you. I- how do I even make them like me?" Draco explained.

Giggling slightly Hermione responds, "If you're worried about the Weasley's then wait till you meet my real parents."

Mumbling 'fuck' under his breath, Hermione only laughs before looking in the mirror to see Draco getting out. "I don't quite know how to talk to muggles Hermione. I may be a charmer but the two world are so different." he says as he comes and stands next to her, towel around his waist, to brush his teeth.

"I'll lead the conversations D. They already know about you from my letters plus they do know a bit about the wizarding world now given I am a witch and they have met my friends." Hermione says. "They're not totally oblivious to our world...."

Draco gives her a look of confusion before Hermione realizes what she said, "Bad choice of words?" she asks with a chuckle.

"Just a bit, I suppose it won't be too bad then... so when exactly are you meeting my mother and vice versa?" Draco asks weary of the topic of his mother.

Thinking about how to answer that, Hermione stayed silent. "Love, I'm not going to pressure you into seeing her if you're not ready but there isn't anything to be scared about. She is going to love you, I promise. "

"Don't get me wrong Draco, I-I want to meet her, I'm just.... nervous." Hermione says putting her eye makeup on.

"I know, and I know it's because of the Malfoy history with blood status but I promise you she, and the family I have left do not and will not care about that.... ever." Draco says as Hermione nods her head in response. "What if I set up a day that we go see her at the manor?"

At that Hermione stopped doing her makeup before setting it down, "Is there a possibility we could do lunch or something not at the manor?" she asked keeping her head down looking at her fainted scar with her hands on either side of the sink.

Connecting the pieces, Draco says, "Of course we can 'Mione." as he thinks in his head 'How stupid could I be?'

Knowing what he was thinking Hermione spoke up again, "Love, you don't have to feel bad, it's your home. I'm just not exactly ready to go back there..." she says as they both go back to that day. As much as Draco wanted to intervene it would have made not only his life but his mothers hell. He felt like shit for even asking if she wanted to go to the manor.

Looking at her scar he says, "Do you want to see mine?"

Hermione turned her head to look at him with a confused expression on her face. "See what?"

"My arm. I've seen your scar, I figured maybe you'd wanna see mine." he explains as she nods her head signifying she wanted to see.

As he walked over closer to her, she was expecting to see the faded dark mark on his forearm but was surprised when something else was in it's place. Extending his arm for her to see, Hermione looked down to see a tattoo covering what was the dark mark. It was a snake wrapped around his forearm with the coiled part of its body covering the dark mark, flowers blooming from under and around the snake. Reaching over, she grabbed onto his arm gently as she ran her fingers over it.

Hermione MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now