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"HELP!!! PLEASE SOMEONE HELP!!!" Hermione screams as she is trying to stay calm but it is not working and Draco can see as he gets down on the floor with her to help.


By this point Hermione is panicking as Draco takes off his jacket to cover the poor first year who is now bleeding and shivering.

Just as Hermione is about to scream for help again, a house elf comes out of the kitchens to see what all the yelling is about.

"Is everything ok- oh my goodness!" the house elf shrieks.

"Lainey you need to go get McGonagall and Madame Pomfrey quick please!" yells Hermione at the house elf causing her to feel slightly bad but she knew she needed to in order to help this first year.

"Of course!" says Lainey as she disappears with a crack.

"Hermione it's going to be okay, do you know any spells we can use to heal her?" Draco asks her.

"I-I don't know... I can't remember any. Fuck, why can't I remember any?" she says frustrated.

"Try Episkey or Vulnera Sanentur." Draco says as he can start to hear footsteps so he looks around.

"Okay." is all Hermione says before she starts mumbling the spells and moving her wand around the limp girl's body.

"I can't even tell what spell she was hit with." Draco said.

As Hermione is doing the spells, McGonagall comes sprinting down the hallway they are in with Madame Pomfrey and Lainey in tail.

"Oh my! What happened here?!" McGonagall questions as she covers her mouth and Madame Pomfreys goes over to where Hermione is healing the girl and takes the spot of Draco as he does to talk to McGonagall.

As Madame Pomfrey is telling Hermione what to do to help the girl, Draco starts to explain what happened that night. "We were doing rounds, nothing seemed out of the ordinary when we heard a scream. We went sprinting and saw a cloaked figure standing over the poor girl doing a spell but we couldn't hear what it was. It almost looked like the cruciatus curse but she is all cut up so almost a mix of that with sectumsempra. " he explains as McGonagall looks extremely worried.

He continues explaining as he runs a hand through his hair, obviously stressed out, " As soon as the figure knew we were there, they ran so I ran after them as Hermione ran to the girl and she started helping her and I only got so far down the hall before they turned the corner and they were gone. Once I turned the corner a split second later they were gone! I have no idea how they are getting away so fast Headmistress."

"I don't know either my dear, I am just glad you both were close enough to save the girl. Before you both go back to your common room, I need you both to go to every house dormitory and charm it so that no one can go in or out until dawn when I take the spell off. I worry they could still be in the castle. Then of course charm your common room and I will charm the professors dormitories as well as have the professors and I check the castle and make sure they are not here before charming the school itself. I want this to be a nightly thing which I will tell all prefects as I need everyone in my office by 8 a.m. tomorrow, yes?" McGonagall says.

"Yes of course professor. If you need anything you know where we are." Draco responds as he looks over the girl still lying on the floor.

"Madame Pomfrey and I can take it from here." McGonagall says. "Hermione, you two can do back to your common room now. I explained to Draco what you both need to do beforehand. Lainey will you get me the charms, & DADA professors please?"

"Yes Headmistress." says Lainey as she disappears and Hermione stands up and walks to Draco.

"Alright, we will see you in the morning Headmistress." says Draco as he takes Hermione's hand in his and starts to walk away.

Hermione MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now