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After the longest two weeks of potion making, classes, and a lot of hearing quidditch practices the potion is almost done. The rumors have spread tenfold about Ron and Hermione's breakup. Some saying it was because of Hermione and Draco others saying Ron was the reason with a whole list of reasons attached. Throughout the week the small group of friends had met up many times, just having a good time with one another to keep Hermione feeling good and happy. Draco and Hermione had also gone to their new spot on the astronomy tower many times just staring at the stars in their own little world. They often went to study as the chilled air kept the tower comfortable to work in. Everything was seemingly going really well. That leads up to present day when the potion is just about done.

"I really think you should have joined the Quidditch team! Isn't it like riding a bike? Once you have the hang of it, it comes easy every time?" Hermione says.

"First of all I have no idea what a bike is. Second of all, even if I wanted to join, sign ups are over and practices have started, but I don't want to." he says while adding in one last ingredient.

"Malfoy...Why though?" she pleads.

"I don't want all the nasty looks while I'm sky high trying to find the snitch, it will not only throw my game off but I just don't want that." he says plainly.

"This would be the perfect opportunity for them to look at you in a good way not bad. If you caught the snitch think about how many people would be so happy, maybe not the team you beat but everyone else!" she says excitedly. "I am trying to convince Harry to do it too, will you guys please just talk about it together." she says as she gives him puppy dog eyes.

"I suppose I can talk to him. He is not going to like the thought of me beating him though because it will happen." he says laughing as Hermione does a little dance excitedly. He really can't get enough of her.

"It's done!" she yells looking at the cauldron with proud eyes.

"Finally, so how exactly are you planning on getting him to drink this love?" he questions.

"Well I haven't really thought about that yet but I'm sure I will figure something out. " she says as they make their way out the door to go to classes.


After potions Draco goes over to Harry to talk about quidditch.

"Hey Harry, able to talk for a second?" Draco says.

"Yea what's going on?" Harry says as they start to walk out of the potions room.

"So Granger is very deadset on wanting you and me to join the quidditch teams this year but I've heard you aren't particularly a fan of this plan either." he starts to explain.

"I'm not but I have been thinking more on it. " he says.

"Isn't it too late for us to join? I mean we've missed every practice and the first game is tomorrow."

"You're right but then again... we're seekers," Harry laughs, "It's not like we do much in practice anyways. If you want to join I know the person who is running everything quidditch this year, I can get you on the team and I'm sure they'll let me on."

"You know what... It'll be nice to play again... and to kick your ass at something so hell yea let's do it." Draco laughs with Harry as Harry pats his shoulder. "Who is this person who is running everything?"

"Ginny." Harry says as he smiles. "That's why I know we have an in because she has been bugging me about it too."

Both laughing Draco just says, "Alright then let's go get signed up." As they start going towards Ginny's next class so she can get them on the list for their teams.

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