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"Hey Malfoy, I'm not going to breakfast today, I think I am just going to stay here and work on the potion!" Hermione calls out from the bathroom while drying her hair.

"Okay." Draco calls back as he starts walking towards the handle for the secret room. Next to their staircase they have a small light fixture on the wall which is their key to get in. Once pulled a door opens into a decently sized room with all their ingredients, their cauldron, and a few chairs along a table.

As the door shuts behind him, he goes over and starts on what they need to perform for the potion that day. Today it was mostly mixing and getting ingredients ready to be added in the upcoming days. A few minutes later Hermione walks into the room.

"Oh, you didn't have to help me. You could have gone and eaten breakfast." Hermione says while walking over and sitting next to him.

"That's okay, I'd rather help you than walking into the Great Hall and having all eyes on me for the millionth time."

"People are still staring?" she questions.

"Mhm, I get it. No one ever though I would change or become head boy. It just gets a bit overbearing at times when all eyes are on you all the time as if I'm going to hurt them being that I am a former death eater. That's just not me anymore."

Noticing the sad tone in his voice, Hermione reaches over and grabs his hand and gives it a reassuring sqeeze. "I know you wouldn't, they'll see that eventually. Just give it time. If it helps any I've never been used to the stares either."

"I mean for the most part yours were good stares but thank you. Now let's get this potion going so we can get to the bottom of this bullshit." he says before giving her a smile.

"Good point!" Hermione says as they start working on the potion.

After a bit of brewing the potion Hermione mentions an idea she had. "So I was thinking maybe we should have some people come over tonight just for a nice night in. Get all the negative shit out of our heads for a night. Plus it would be a great time for you to try and befriend Harry."

"Hm that would be fun. Who exactly were you thinking?" Draco says as he adds the final ingredient in.

"We could have Pansy, Gin, Blaise, and Harry?" she questions back.

"You don't want your somewhat boyfriend here?" Draco says with his eyebrows raised.

"Honestly not really. I just- I just need a good time with friends right now." she says with a weak smile.

"Okay, yea sure. I think that's a great idea." Draco smiles back knowing he hit a sore spot. "I can sneak us some firewhiskey and diasyroot drought, maybe some food from the kitchens?"

"That definitely sounds like a good plan." Hermione says as they walk out of their secret room and start to head to their classes.

"Alright I will sneak it sometime after dinner, shall we go ask them if they'd like to come?" He says as he grabs a few books out of her hands she is struggling to carry.

"Oh um thank you hah, yea let's ask them."

As they walk into potions Draco calls over Pansy and Blaise to where Ginny and Harry are sitting.

"Okay so Malfoy and I had an idea and we wanted to see if you guys would all like to come spend the night in our common room. Have a fun night, drink a bit and play some games? Maybe eat some stolen food after dinner?" Hermione asked the group.

"Yes!!! That is a great idea! Doesn't that sound like so much fun Harry?!" Ginny yelled.

"Merlin Gin hah, but yes it does, I'll be there." says Harry with a smile.

Hermione MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now