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The Christmas music played throughout the kitchen as everyone sat around the ginormous  table for the Christmas feast prepared. The house elves had outdone themselves for their new guests and the Malfoy's. Normally Narcissa insisted on cooking but with the business going so well again, the elves were happy to take over this Christmas.

"Winnie, Polly... you both have outdone yourselves! This is spectacular." Narcissa spoke to the two as they sat at the table along with everyone else.

Everyone expressed their agreements as they shook their hands as they giggled. "This is nothing Mrs. Malfoy but thank you everyone." Polly spoke.

The lot of them dug into the food, filling their plates to the brims as Narcissa stood up. "I want to give a toast to all of you for coming this holiday. It feels warmer in here with people and friends. I am so thankful for you all coming and it means the world to me you feel safe here." Narcissa spoke as the pushed back the tears.

"Happy Christmas everyone..." Hermione spoke as she smiled at Narcissa and put her cup in the air, everyone following.

'Happy Christmas's ' chorused the air as Narcissa sat down and they enjoyed their food once more.

Clearing her throat, everyone looked at Luna. "I actually have some news to tell you all." she said with a smile before taking another bite of food.

"On with it Luna." Harry said.

"Right sorry, as we all know sometimes as graduating Hogwarts students, sometimes they get job offers before they graduate since we do NEWTS and OWLS in other year levels and I've received one." she smiled as everyone about jumped out of their seats.

While Luna was right, it was very rare that they were offered jobs before they graduate. Hell, as far as anyone knew, Luna was the first in their class to get an offer.

"Luna that's amazing!"


"Where is it?"

"More like what is it?"

The table bombarding her with questions, Luna was filled with love and laughs. "Slow down, I'm going to be working with some other creature lovers in an organization to take care of thestrals. They've discovered new packs of them in Ireland and France so I'll be working between the two conservations. Half a year at each with some visits to Hogwarts to take care of theirs as well."

"Bloody Hell that's amazing Luna!" Harry said as everyone agreed.

"That's bloody far though. " Ginny frowned.

"Just another reason for us to ditch these boys and have a girls weekend in France!" Pansy cheered nudging Hermione.

"Does anyone else have jobs lined up?" Blaise asked, everyone shaking their heads.

Narcissa joined in, asking, "What is it you all want to do after Hogwarts?"

"I'm hoping to play for the Holyhead Harpies or the Chudley Cannons." Ginny spoke before looking at Harry. "Likely an Auror."

Blaise shook his head as everyone looked at him, "Haven't got a clue." but Draco quickly pitched in. "Mate, I've asked you to come work for me loads of times."

"I'd rather you not be my bloody boss." Blaise spoke while everyone laughed. "I suppose we'll see whats open when we graduate."

"I want to do what Madame Malkins does. Fashion is so fun to me!" Pansy smiled.

Ginny nodded, "I can see you doing that."

The table turned to Hermione next, "Erm, likely an Auror to start but eventually I want to be Minister of Magic or whatever the female version of that is."

Hermione MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now