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Narcissa and Draco stepped onto the stage first while Harry and Blaise waited on the stairs off to the side. The girls held their champagne glasses as did all the guests surrounding them. 

"Why did Narcissa steal the boys away?" Luna asked as she came from behind the girls with Cho. 

Hermione turned around, "I have not a clue. oh! Cho it's so nice to see you." she smiled as she gave a quick hug to her, Ginny and Pansy following suit paying no attention to Narcissa or Draco's speeches. 

"Do you think this is Draco's proposal?" Ginny asked as they turned back to the stage. 

Hermione laughed, shaking her head. "I'd hex the shit out of him if he did in front of all these people." 

"I would just about die if B-" Pansy died off as her face morphed into pure shock seeing Blaise take the microphone from Draco. 

Blaise cleared his throat into the microphone before stairs formed down the front of the stage towards Pansy.  "As most of you know, I am not the kind to make a speech. That was until I finally had something to say or more so someone to say something to." 

Pansy's hand went up to her mouth after a surprised gasp. Hermione turned to look at her friend with tears in her eyes as she watched Draco waved his wand dimming the lights and candles forming in a row on either side of Blaise descending the stairs to Pansy. 

"Pansy you have been one of the only constants in my life for three years now and there's not a day that goes by, I don't look at you and wonder how I got so lucky. You are the most beautiful, cunning, terrifying, yet kind person I know and I can't imagine my life without you. " Blaise now a foot away from Pansy started to tear up. Hermione pushed Pansy forward to meet Blaise. "I know this rubbish law has been stressful but trust me when I say this would have came no matter what." he speaks as he gets down on one knee as Pansy wipes her tears away.

"Pansy Parkinson... will you marry me?" Blaise asks as Pansy immediately nods her head. "Yes... yes!" she cries as she jumps into his arms, the whole room cheering. 

Music fills the room again as everyone goes back to their dancing and conversations while the group runs over to Pansy and Blaise. 

The girls swarm Pansy with hugs while the boys laugh. "I need air!" Pansy yells as they pull apart and Hermione meets Pansy's eyes. Hermione's are brimming with tears while they all look at Pansy's new ring. It is a gorgeous oval shaped diamond on a simple gold band. 

"You got your dream proposal Pans." Hermione smiled as Pansy starts sobbing. "I'm so happy for you." 

Pansy shook her head, "Don't look at me like that Granger, I'll cry harder." The girls hug while Draco looks at them lovingly. 

Following the proposal, the live music plays, while everybody walks around, mingles, and dances the night away. Hermione and Ginny had hoped to spend more time with Fleur but with her being pregnant, Fleur ultimately left early with Mr. and Mrs. Weasley. Bill stayed behind with some of the fellow aurors who are in attendance. Hermione's parents had also left early due to their work the next morning. Which leads us to the most recent guest showing up late.

Blaise, Draco, Hermione, and Pansy were sipping their drinks outside in the gardens when they heard a familiar voice. 

"It seems like congratulations are in order."

Draco and Blaise turn on immediately to see none other than Theodore Nott with a smile on his face. Blaise was the first to envelop Theodore into a hug. "Long time no see, mate."

They pull apart before Draco does the same putting him on the back. "We've missed you mate. Thank you for coming." 

"Thank you for having me, Congratulations Parkinson." Theodore says as he looks around Blaise to smile at pansy. Pansy smiled sweetly at him, "Thank you Nott, it's been a while."

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