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Letting out a deep breath Draco rolled over to see what the noise was coming from the other side of the room. At his window he sees his owl with a letter that appears to be the same type of parchment he always gets from his mother.

Getting up from the bed he moves Hermione's arm off his chest and onto a pillow. Looking down at her, he couldn't help but smile at the thought of the previous night. Not that he wasn't expecting it to happen after his plan but was still nonetheless happy that the night went well. Very well in his eyes.

Making his way over to the window the owl fluttered it's wings at the sight of the treat Draco had grabbed off the wardrobe for when his owl dropped off letters. He opened the window grabbing the parchment before giving the owl his well earned treat and retreating back to his exhausted woman in bed.

Sliding back into bed trying not to wake her, he leans his back against the headboard to start to read the letter. Hearing a hum he feels Hermione slide over to him as she puts her head onto his lap with her arm draped across his legs. Smiling to himself he runs his free hand through her hair as he sees the letter is from his mum.

"My Dear Son,

I hope your holiday went well and you were able to do something lively with your friends & Hermione. I truly am sorry you couldn't come home for the holiday but I trust Hermione made the day better for you. I hope you are free to have lunch with me today around mid-day. I miss my boy too much when I go away for the businesses sake. The trip went well, we got a few good deals out of it so well worth the trip, we can divulge into it the next time I see you for when you need to take over.
Please let me know if you can do lunch at our usual spot.
Mum xx "

"You've got a letter?" Hermione says groggily as her eyes are half open.

"I did, it's from my mother. She was telling me a bit about her trip as well as asking me to lunch." he explained to her still running his hands through her messy hair. "I'll write back a bit later."

Putting the letter down on his bedside table, he moved down on then bed to lie next to Hermione. She instantly nuzzles into his chest without opening an eye. It was moments like these where it seems like the world stopped and they just stayed in the perfect moment.

"Goodmorning my love," Draco says as he kisses her forehead lightly.

Still half asleep Hermione mumbled a "Goodmorning" back.

"We should probably start to get ready, breakfast should be starting soon."

"I'm okay here." Hermione says as she snuggles in under the blankets and into Draco more if that were even possible.

Chucking to himself Draco slides one of his arms under the blanket to hold her by her waist. "Just so you know my lunch with my mother is today."

"Can I come?"

A question so simple but it made Draco happier then he thought possible. Hermione's eyes were still closed but opened once she hadn't gotten a response as quick as all the others. Opening her eyes she saw Draco with the biggest smile on his face she had every seen. "D?" she questions.

"O-of course you can come darling. Are you sure you want to come? You don't have to." He says with the hint of a smirk but they both knew he was serious.

"No, I want to come D." she smiles.

"I love you..." he says as he leans in to kiss her.

Through the kiss Hermione smiles back at him, "I love you too."

Draco leans up slightly turning his body in the process to reach over and grab the water on the night stand from after their night of festivities you could say. Hermione couldn't help but notice his very prominent v-line and she instantly her mind went over the particular event that had happened between the two. Multiple times. Moving her legs slightly she could feel how sore she was still and slightly smirked but quickly put it away before Draco turned back around. As much as she loved the mess he left her, him knowing would inflate his ego way too much for her liking.

Hermione MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now