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After dinner, Ginny and Harry met up with Draco and Hermione in their common room after Ginny explained to Harry that something went wrong.

"Okay so why do you look like you want to kill my brother, even though we all hate him, this is different." Ginny says to Draco as they all get comfy on the couches close to the fireplace.

"I'll let Hermione explain but if he tries any shit again I am knocking his front teeth out instantly." Draco says as he wraps his arm around Hermione protectively.

Hermione then starts to explain, "So earlier I was coming back to the common room and I got yanked into a random hallway and it was Ron. He was asking me where the ring he gave me was and I couldn't remember so he started getting... aggressive."

"Aggressive how?" Harry asked.

"Well when I tried to back up to come back here, he yanked my arm back so I couldn't leave."

"Leaving marks on her wrists in the process..." Draco chimed in and Ginny gasped pulling at Hermione's wrists to see. 

"After I kept saying I couldn't remember I backed up so I was in the doorway of the stairs and he went to leave and his shoulder hit mine and I ended up hitting the hall and possibly falling down a few steps..." Hermione finished.

"Then when she was changing into my jumper-" Draco starts.

"Ew." Harry interrupted to which they all laughed.

"Well anyway she was changing and the bruise she had on her shoulder was basically 1/4 of her whole back. Not to mention she had marks on both wrists and hurt her leg when she fell." Draco says.

"So that's probably why he was so weird at the game today. He actually was awful. " Harry said as he shook his head.

"Can I go hurt him like actually what the bloody hell is his deal right now?" Ginny says mad.

"Whatever the hell this ring is!" Hermione exclaims.

"If I see him I am sure as hell going to have a talk with him." Harry says as he looks towards Draco. " I know Hermione isn't going to let you Draco but I can."

"It is very much appreciated." Draco says as Hermione swats his arm.

"Be gentle!" Draco says loudly causing them all to laugh.

"So what exactly are we going to do about him. I have no idea why he is freaking out over some ring." Hermione said.

"Yea that was a while ago, even I can't remember what we did with that ring." says Ginny.

"Exactly! I just completely cut all the Ron stuff out of my head because it just wasn't necessary anymore." Hermione says as she places her head on Draco's shoulder.

"I'll talk to him and hopefully find something out." Harry says.

"Thank you Harry," Hermione says with a smile.

"Alright well on that note we should probably get going before you plan some crazy shit." Harry said as he stood up with Ginny.

Once they said their goodbyes and it was just Draco and Hermione they stayed on the couch and decided to read for a bit. But once an hour rolled by Hermione came up with a better idea.

"Hey D," she said as she set her book down.

"What my love?" Draco said back as he put his book down as well.

"Well I was thinking since we don't have to patrol tonight maybe we could have a little date in our spot on the Astronomy tower." Hermione explained.

"I like that idea" Draco said with a smile. "Should I grab a few blankets?"

Hermione MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now