The Rocky Horror Glee Show

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"Hey Q" I lean against the locker beside her and she smiles at me. "Hey. So when's our next date?" she asks closing her locker.

"Whenever you want. I've been planning for days. All I need to do is set it up" I say and she smiles. "Okay. How about Thursday?"

"Sure" she takes my hand and leads me to the choir room. 

We walk in and over to Brittany and Kurt. "So what are you gonna be for Halloween?"

"I'm going as a peanut allergy."

"Okay..." I chuckle slightly. "What about you Shawn?"

"I don't know. Oh I'm gonna go as Goku"

"What the hell is a Goku?" Kurt asks and I scoff. "And I thought we were gonna be friends. Goku is from Dragon Ball. It's a TV show that started in... 1986. It's awesome"

"Is their violence?"

"Tons of violence."


"Great news guys! I've had a little inspiration. This week's musical lesson isn't really a lesson. It's a musical."

"West Side Story?"

"Rocky Horror!" I smile and look over at Quinn. "I love Rocky Horror" I say and she smiles at me. "I've never seen it" Sam says and I throw my pen at him. "You have no taste"

"Stop throwing stuff at me. Is it really that hard"

"That's what she said" he rolls his eyes and I snicker.

"Mr. Schue?" we all stop talking and look over at Rachel. "Yeah?"

"While I admire your choice of a groundbreaking 70's musical, aren't you worried that the adult themes might be a point of controversy?"

"Seriously, a school in Texas couldn't even do Rent. It caused an outrage and they had to cancel the show."

"Seriously? My school did Chicago. Even the whole dance with the chair and costumes. So good" I trail off and Quinn smacks my head. 

"Isn't that the whole point of the arts? Pushing boundaries? Doing things people say you can't do for the sake of self-expression?"

"Look, I figured it all out. I cut out some of the more risqué sections and I'm sending home permission slips to all your parents to make sure they're okay with it." I take mine and put it in my pocket. 

"And we're going to charge admission and use the proceeds to help pay for transportation to nationals in New York!" I clap excitedly cause I've always wanted to go to New York.

𝔹𝔼𝔸𝕌𝕋𝕐 ~ S. LopezWhere stories live. Discover now